
Do you actually think this nursery scribble is an art piece?


Except there are no damages.

They had the public option ready to pass when they had the majority, but felt that it would be too much and leave republicans feeling butt hurt on what would have been a massive victory.

How expensive would it be for a minor to travel alone under the airliner care?

the fatalities per accident is way higher for aircraft.

It will be too late. Trump will get his nominee confirmed long before the new Senate is seated in January 2019. Most likely they will be installed on the Court by the time the next term starts in October, before the election even happens.

Here’s hoping the democrats block any Trump nomination like Dikimbe Mutumbo on a lazy lay up attempt.

Or does that only work if you’re a republican?

I don’t know. Exactly how gay is a guy who once got many handjobs from an ex girlfriend, and enjoyed them, even though he wasn’t really into her? Does that make him secretly straight?

Religious marriage ins’t the basis for any rights in the United States. All U.S. marriages are civil marriages, it’s just that (unlike Europe), Americans have the option of using a clergy member to legally officiate, rather than needing to track down a judge. That is a matter of convenience, not any kind of religious

Remember, this is about her name being taken off an award.

no one is burning anything.

Who makes the determination when it’s acceptable to publish people’s personal information online?

Counterpoint: this is a great tactic. All he has to do is get a new phone if he’s so bothered by it. If that means he loses half a day of work on being Joseph Goebells reincarnate, that’s a worthy, moral outcome.

One is a crime against humanity. The other is a minor inconvenience to a piece of shit fascist perpetrating that crime.

The whole ad looks like something out of The Handmaid’s Tale.

Our plan is apparently ‘grandfathered’ under the ACA

Why don’t more places simply use a “thumbs up / down” (binary) rating model? The five star thing is becoming meaningless, and it’s so subjective. Really, you just need to know how many people were satisfied, and how many people were unsatisfied. This would work for restaurants, for Uber / Lyft, for Amazon, everything.

Here here. Weekend was great, although I’ve tried to make my (gay) husband and our (gay) friends watch it with me, and they get instantly bored. You have to appreciate quiet nuance, the likes of which you don’t really get watching Queer Eye and Ru Paul.