
No, it’s the tallest one in the back row.

Then what the fuck are the governments doing with the 20+% they’re taking from me already?

Just bought the book!

Your average person doesn’t watch Fox News.

Sure, I have no doubt they really screwed up many, many people’s labs, and faked results when presenting to investors. What I’m wondering though, is if Theranos - even if they were totally corrupt and plowing ahead way too fast for their own good - was actually on to some kind of technology? People keep saying it was

and all cab companies like Yellow Cab have the same simplistic technology as Uber.

Due to a family trait of super-high triglycerides, I have to get my blood tested every couple of months (although often I procrastinate to 6+ months or more). When I started seeing the Theranos signs at the Walgreens on Central and Osborn, I went in, and I was blown away by how much nicer the experience was than the

I buy generic stuff all the time, but I started using the Cascade platinum dishwashing packs last year, and they work SO MUCH better than regular liquid or powder detergentts, and they keep the inside of the washer clean and not covered in white powdery film.

He drained the swamp - aka a wetland area which many people don’t like spending time in, but is a critical, if ugly, part of the ecosystem that keeps the wider world functioning.

She married someone else for four years!

I’m someone who lived in LA for 5 years without a car, and had to rely on public transit. I know what the fuck I’m talking about. IT SUCKED. This was in the pre-Uber era, and I would have given anything to be able to visit my boyfriend across town in an Uber, rather than a 2.5 hour odyssey on two trains and two shitty

No, the older Air 2 (which I still use), is in my opinion still a nicer device to use. The Air 2 is as thin (or thinner?) and as light as the iPad Pro, has a flush camera, and a laminated, coated screen. Which makes it a pleasure to handle and view, regardless of whether the internals are slightly slower (still plenty

No, the older Air 2 (which I still use), is in my opinion still a nicer device to use. The Air 2 is as thin (or

Seems like, if you had a wifi-only data connection and NO cellular data, your phone would still have stored the information about the vehicle and license plate, as well as a map of your route, before you left. This is already available to see on the ride, in the app, even if you don’t have a data connection. This

I’m a gay. I eat at Chick-fil-A occasionally (like a couple times a year) and enjoy it. My husband even worked at one, as a gay teenager 15 years ago.

The fries are delicious, but I always try to sub for the fruit cup, because they do have delicious fruit, the kind you can’t really get at any other fast food place. If, you know, you’re trying too fool yourself that a trip to Chick-fil-A will be healthy.

Some of the major password manager companies have had user metadata data stolen, like email addresses. But for instance, when LastPass was hacked, there’s no actual evidence that user passwords stored in the app were actually compromised... because they were encrypted.

Worrying about the physical location of your password data is sort of an outdated security idea, just like password formulas and time-based password expiration. Security concepts like encryption and two-factor authentication are much better. A cloud-based, encrypted, two-factor protected password management service is

That’s like asking “Why should we use seatbelts if, given enough force, the seatbelt can break too?”

Yep. If you read the whole article, it says that people in Japan often set their watch to train departures, and the system is usually so precise that they can precisely time their movements through a station. It’s entirely possible someone can get off one train, change platforms, and board another within 25 seconds.

I’m male, and my current doctor is female, so they always require a chaperone during the exam which is like...great...but surprising they do this since I’m male. Maybe it’s to protect the doctor too?