
Khan is non-white, yes, but he was one of 11 owners who donated to the Trump campaign (the others were ALL WHITE), soooooo....I wouldn’t say he’s that diverse.

Who is the woman with him in the above photo? (“Him” being Maradona)

Cougar? LOL

I get what you’re saying. I think NFL owners (all are one color, except one) like traditional, boring stand-in-the-pocket QBs. QBs who are more mobile/electrifying and NOT traditional seem to get more scrutiny, and ALMOST ALWAYS get switched to WR. It’s annoying AF, but that seems to be the way it is, I guess. Maybe

So, do you drive? Because there’s been THOUSANDS of deaths associated with that...just curious, since 1 death was a deal breaker for an amusement park ride.


Mr. Jackson (I, too, am a Jackson, we’re probably related...LOL) I appreciate your words...You described your situation so eloquently. I have a white wife and a biracial child and I fear for her future every single day. I thank you for your story and wish you and your family nothing but the best in the future....

He sounds like a Trump yeah.

Take this star, you witty bastard! Spot on!!! LOL


The things women think about..geez. I honestly, have never put ANY thought in greeting a co-worker of the opposite sex. I feel weird shaking hands, because I have a strong handshake and I don’t want to crush their hand (not trying to humble brag). Most of the women I work with are older, so they’re all about hugging,

My bad, I misinterpreted you. But, I totally feel you and where you’re coming from with your perspective on the book, and how they’ve portrayed it on the show....very good take.

Sanza isn’t my favorite character, you don’t speak for me. I think she’s a gold-digger who finally realizes that living life as a queen isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be....I think her life, and the events that have occurred in it, have opened her eyes to the way the world I guess I can say I hate her less

Greeny is too feminine for me and his fake outrage rants are annoying as well...wish him well in his next endeavor...

I’m sorry but regular Nacho Cheese Doritos is far superior to Cool Ranch Doritos...can’t tell you the last time I had Cool Ranch. No.

Fantastic post, fellow human...

So, does this mean a regular student, that doesn’t play sports, can’t protest with LSU gear on, or is this JUST for athletes? Asking for a friend...

Very dumb take...for real.

I just don’t understand any male that doesn’t like sports, or is indifferent to it. Maybe that says more about me than others, but it still baffles me when I hear about a male not liking sports...

Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine, so even HE knew how to party back then. Screw this uptight school and everyone involved in this guy’s firing...Human beings suck sometimes.