
In my opinion, it’s weak to go to the team that beat you (after you had them down 3-1)...OKC had a great team, if they didn’t, how did they have GSW down 3-1? All those reasons you listed sound good, but it’s a bad look for someone who is considered a top 5 player in the NBA. At least when Lebron went to Miami, they

He actually said, “don’t say what’s up to that bitch ass n@gga”...and I don’t blame him for feeling that way either. KD is super weak for going to Golden State, but it’s his decision ultimately. Can’t wait for the Warriors to choke again in the playoffs. (I am NOT an OKC fan either)

There are pine trees in Arizona? Learn something everyday

Not to be a contrarian, but I actually like the games on NYE because I don't go out. Instead of getting hammered and getting a DWI, I'd rather stay at home with football fans and watch the games and not have to worry about hordes of drunk people bumping into you and pissing on your shoe in a crowded bathroom. Just my

Would a babysitter not work? Or a family member? I live in AR and have a friend getting married in AZ in Sept. NO WAY IN HELL I'm travelling with my one year old because I don't want to be annoying to other people and I know she doesn't like to sit still (go figure? kids don't like to sit still for long periods of

I have a one year old, and there’s no way in hell I’m flying with her. I love her to death, but I don't want to be annoying to the other passengers on the plane. Simple as when she gets a little older, I'll reconsider, but she's too young now and her attention span sucks. Flying is stressful and annoying

Your butthurtedness related to Real Madrid is amusing, yet troubling at the same time...

So, the 1960's were over 100 years ago? I think not...Let's just focus on that decade. The treatment of blacks was abhorrent, and the fact that the government basically supported it and dragged it's feet to end segregation is extremely disheartening....I'd like to see you explain your way out of that...

This is funny...if black Americans are the most racist group in the country (they're not), then they learned from the best...ask the Native Americans, all the slaves and blacks who lived before the 1960's, all the Asians on the west coast during World War II, etc.......Gee, all this racism is making me hungry...

I assume that this game made millions when it was active. I have a question...Could they (EA) not just pay the $30 mill (or whatever the settlement was in court that the player's won) to the NCAA to disseminate to active players and make the game and pocket the revenue? We would have one of the greatest sports games