
Per the above hyperlink on “reported”:

it should be:

Bad dad daughter was OBSESSED with Surprise Eggs by watching it on Youtube. Now I spend a lot of money when I travel internationally on these freakin’ things, and while it may be a choking hazard, Im responsible enough to make sure that she plays with it when I’m there and I put it away when she’s finished

That’s another bear unto itself - luckily, that’s not part of anything I’m responsible for in my line of work!

There are so many different things to consider, although I agree with the general comment that funding for research is a key.

Apparently the guy’s an alcoholic and has serious health issues, which contributes to his look. But if that wasn’t known, his appearance wouldn’t be surprising to me.

Wound up with a torn/detached retina during an impromptu game of baseball dodgeball during an indoor practice once...was a really short game as I was an unknowing bystander on the 1st!

My favorite part was the end of the exchange where trump says, “you AGREE that’s the case [won by a large margin]...”

Agreed, but we all know that “insanity” sometimes isn’t enough to actually make it happen! :)

Where’s the g-d Norwegian Elkhound??!?!

I was going to mention/ask about this.....

The kid also elbowed the ref in the stomach right before the ref shoved him. Still inexcusable/unprofessional, but probably just an instant reaction from the ref.

Now now....when it’s as serious as it can potentially be here at Kansas, K and the administration drop the hammer just as quick as they did with the locker room/clothing ban....

Talk about unsettling?

nevermind - note to self: watch before commenting.

The claim here is incorrect. This is NOT the highest listed price for a home ever in the US.

This is such bullshit, it’s ridiculous - take away the cars, art, wines, staff salary, etc., and you have a house that’s not “the most expensive house” - all of that fluff is just to get the price to the “most expensive” moniker. I can guarantee that all of those are on loan from the respective owners unless the house

“he’s not going to waste the energy level on a mid-week game in January. This game means nothing.”

Now playing

Peel the skin? Scoop? I don’t understand....