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On top of the links Codius gave, which gives the general background, you can check out a few of the performances on YouTube.

I can tell you this. Lebron has the greatest right wrist of ALL TIME. I mean the bones were literally sticking out of his skin when he got fouled at the end of the game, right?. And then after he got up after writhing around for 4+ minutes, he hit 1 of 2 free throws, and when the game ended, he proceeded to lay on the

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“MJ was a great defender - but probably not physically capable (even for Michael Freaking Jordan) of making the block Lebron made....”

The most troubling thing to me is how Starr looks like a 6-year old. Just a true puppet....and this is someone with super-powerful positions in his career, relegated to taking orders and performing like a dog-in-training..

Based on the lead picture, yes. Based on the video, maybe a buck-fifty behind and closing fast....

And pierogi!

Never understood the shitting on a groom by a best man. It’s kind of a douche “bro” move. It’s not a fucking ROAST, it’s a Best Man speech. You have a couple anecdotes that are slightly embarrassing? Perhaps a cool story that shows your bond? Fine. But it’s definitely not an opportunity to talk to how the groom shit

Most useful funbag thus far.

let’s not be over-Zeller-ous now with the name-shaming...

“It’s all relative” -Paterson, NJ

IF you use shitty VORP, yes.

Actually, I was looking at the wrong year - Dele was the 2nd leading scorer (16.2 vs. 21.1ppg for Hill) in 1998. Grant Hill’s VORP that year was 5.6, while Dele’s was a 1.1 (even though his ORtg was 1 pt lower and his DRtg was higher per 100 possessions).

Oh I agree - and my original comment was more an indictment on using VORP as the basis for the argument, esp. when looking at the other people and their VORPs on the list (replace kobe, you still had shaq a few years - replace Curry, you still have green, etc. - it also explains Lebron’s drop-off in the last 3 years

Isn’t VORP a bit skewed, as it benefits those teams where a single player is by far the star of the team (Garnett in MIN, Lebron in CLE [maybe not as much in MIA], Grant Hill in DET [I mean, BISON DELE was 2nd in team scoring, for chrissake]).... just looking at Curry’s VORP this year compared with 2007-2010 Lebron

What would be the best color alternative to this?

What would be the best color alternative to this?

Pretty interesting to see that Stewart is way beyond everyone else with her 6'4" frame and 7' wingspan....even more interesting to see a 5'7" Kelsey Minato right up there with her.....unfortunately one plays for UConn, the other for Army, which likely explains why most people (including myself) said

Roy’s intent was primarily to prevent a long-pass inside the 3-point arc.

True - probably another reason for the double-clutch, although I can’t tell how far away #25 is from Brice.. a higher-arc’ed pass might’ve worked, but that 2 likely would have sealed the loss.

According to Williams, the goal was 1) to make the inbounds pass be caught within 15 feet of the inbounds passer (check), 2) get the ball out of Arcidiacono’s hands at/before halfcourt (check), prevent a pass getting inside, close to the basket (which is the reason why UNC defenders were playing back (check), and

Not only Jordan, but CBSSports had an article last night saying that over 50 former Tar Heel players were attending at the game...