
They've seriously considered "Griffins" as a potential team name. Plotz recommended that as a [bad] joke.

"see a big bulge corresponding to Klugman's moment in the montage...."

The Lambo definitely looks like it's going faster than it should be (how MUCH faster than it should...who knows)...but the Mazda guy DEFINITELY tried to cut that turn in front of the Lambo and squeak its way through.....

Kerry Rhodes gave my friend a BJ in a bar bathroom. You can quote me on this, but please keep me anonymous. so stupid.

I wish I could recommend this more...

Exactly. Quite a generous definition of the word "soon".

Curious as to the definition of "soon"....

That wobbling on descent is unnerving! For commercial flight (and yes, it's about perspective and what "commercial" actually entails), that's a tough one to deal with....

The majority of the time, the drug has been vetted in terms of its safety, where the side effects are known well in advance, ie, years before the drug is made available. In this specific case, it's not a side effect, and it's not a negative effect. It's a matter of risk/benefit - that's the basis for regulators

A) If you're in a PhD program after getting a degree in biology, and you ask "how many things are living in me right now", I weep for education today.B) After reading your "professor"'s statement about parasites and sushi, I don't fully feel bad for you specifically. I still weep for education, though.

Legit (and likely dumb) question.

Everyone knows this is actually Garthe Sanchez, Woody Johnson's secret illegitimate son. Mark's face was surgically altered by Woody Johnson to look like Garthe many years ago. Garthe has finally re-emerged and has taken over QB duties. The dead giveaway was the car in Sanchez's parking spot at camp.

"Laura Poitras, the documentary filmmaker who's been filming Snowden since last year. "

San Jose Sharks @SanJoseSharks

His emotions are understandable, as he dedicated the match to his father, who passed away after falling from a tree this past autumn....


Fellow Stevens alum here.......had no clue whatsoever about that cornerstone! Interesting!

Def! It'd be great if they could do some sort of Trans-Hudson rail line. If they made it inexpensive....maybe like $2.00-$2.50 a trip, I would totes do it!

How about goddamn KEYWORDS/TAGS for photos?!?!?!?!