
Well shit - time for me to stop inhaling my sunscreen. Thank you, Science!

Chris Farley is a Better Closer than Heath Ledger

Not for nothing....but I've been to Belize, and it was an incredibly pleasant experience and a beautiful the point where my family is considering living there part-time...As beachbound says, you just need to be careful, wherever you are. The fact that he's lived there and may be a target of some crooked

Unless, of course, none of those pills contain any oxycontin whatsoever.....which they don't.

So are these researchers planning a long-term follow-up to determine that those who had less of a tendency to only distinguish same-race faces wound up being less racist? And will this follow-up include accounting for the variables that these newborns will encounter over that 12- to 15-year (or more) period?

"It is important for us to understand the nature of these biases in order to reduce or eliminate them..."


Player Status for St. Thomas Aquinas:

Just FYI, the "infographic" sources the Musion Eyeliner patent, so it seems like they're one and the same.

"Black heart. Dead soul. Fuck Lito."

"So at best, they know he used a different compiler, not necessarily a different language..."

The Weather channel has a clip of the tornado throwing around the trailers (maybe from where the cover pic was taken - pretty amazing. (Apologies if the link was posted already).. []

get ready for lots of half-Bronco/half-Jaguar Tebow...

Tim Tebow will always be injured. It's the inevitable outcome for a quarterback who looks like a fullback and runs like one.

Ironically, the 12-year-old was allowed to keep his LiveStrong bracelet on.........

I counted 42 steps...

Not for nothing (warning: cynicism ahead!), but at this point in time, I'm just an authority as any scientist in saying that there's an extremely high probability that there is extraterrestrial life out there. I want NUMBERS dammit! Until I get numbers, I don't care - it's not news!

I hear ya. Unfortunately, I think the "Watch This" is a generic title tag. Double unfortunately, looking for handling things with respect (requiring a few minutes to assess a situation before posting/publishing) around here is typically a lost cause.....and that goes for commenters and writers! :)

I disagree, since it's just news copter video, and anyone watching the news is seeing it as well.