Sigh Twombly

Wait what? I am confused. All these damn ads in-between the paragraphs made this almost nonsensical to read.

He was good as Steve Rubell in 54.

Oh my god so what

The video was actually just a clip from Sharknado 3.

They’re going to be disappointed when they find out it’s just overrun with tufted titmice.

“Captain, we’ve spotted land”

It depends. If it means we get well-written and acted genre material with sprawling cast and substantial budget that not specifically about dragons and castles, me all for it. Smart move would be to apply GoT model to other, similar genre.

I’m gonna go build my own AV Club, with blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the AV Club.

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

We were artdorks the whole time and we didn’t even know it until now!

I know this place is rapidly becoming a ghost town, but I wanted to let you know that I LOVE your name. Cy is one of my favorite painters!

“Random slob.”

You cannot be serious.

We need a spoiler space to tell us whether or not Borg assimilated McEnroe.

That’s Numberwang.

that really does need to be one of the explanations used for when they don’t get involved in a pretty major crisis.

“To the Commenters of the AV Club Region, I Have an Idea Concerning Your Kinja Predicament”

More like ZZZ

The Last Pun Thread, sadly unfinished.