Sigh Twombly

What’s your favourite Beatles album?

Miles Davis - In A Silent Way. Of all the albums of his I’ve listened to over the last few weeks, this was the most immediate. Probably to do with the guitar.

CBS has had tons of sex with their girlfriend. She lives in Canada so you wouldn’t have met her.

Pivot to post-literacy

Now, see, I just went with blaming Barsanti.

Whenever Twin Peaks isn’t on the air, the other shows should ask ‘Where is Twin Peaks?’ Or ‘Why isn’t Twin Peaks showing right now?’

This is a really nice analysis. While I think you’re right that this isn’t the ONLY thing the show is dealing with, I don’t think you should be so dismissive of your “art about the art” reading.

I have trouble believing that they are going to be able to blend two disparate voices into one cohesive Vision.

your expression speaks for us all, header photo baby, for all of us...

I miss the old comments and layout and community. But on the other hand I’ve saved over $80 in Kinja Deals!

I miss the AV Club.

And now they call you “Ooo-Ooo” because you’re #00 on the company softball team, right?

Of course Flav was crazy, he was playing the jester, the wild card, the fool to Chuck D’s rational, charismatic authority figure. Together they formed the quintessential dramaturgical dyad.

Nice story, Chains.

Yeeah, boyyy!

Yo, I can’t believe they got the PE in court before the judge on some nonsense.

He must be trying to move up to the big leagues of Jezebel or Deadspin!

...and wedding after wedding after wedding

Stories like this really make me miss congeniality.

Fave. line from Peter in “Fargo”: