
Funny... When it’s something progressives love then people are review bombing it but if it’s something they hate suddenly all those 1 star reviews are like, y’know, totally legit!

Why was he allowed to compete at all? Why are people with an admitted history of cheated allowed to compete?

Could be. Combined with Carlsen being unwilling to admit he just had an off day and looking for some way to avoid having to admit that he screwed up that match.

Zero interest until they remove this requirement altogether. It’s fairly easy to circumvent and doesn’t really add meaningful security from hackers spamming accounts.

Denying services to people who use prepaid phones, MVNOs, and services like Google Voice (which is the backbone of Google Fi, a legitimate carrier alternative) should be illegal, end of story. There are better and more reliable ways to verify identity or prevent spoof accounts. Alienating a section of the population

I want it but I cant, because cant be pre paid :/

If this was really looking at where Americans buy their groceries, Walmart would probably be at the top of at least half the country.

Why do you need a cell phone number to play a videogame in the first place?

This “research” is completely false!

Fauci funded puppy torture snd killing, but nobody gave a shit because he leans to the left.

Guys, it’s okay to not submit your number. I don’t intend to play the game and I’m making that choice with compromise. You should too if you really feel that strongly about it. 

Why are you bringing up anything to do with race when nothing has been mentioned about it here. Quit trying to stir the pot!

Fuck no on giving them my phone number.

I know there is no ethical consumption under capitalism but supporting Activision Blizzard is still too icky for me.

Followed by the inevitable, “This didn’t reach our sales goals for some reason, so let’s avoid making RPGs. Consumers obviously don’t want them.

I’ve heard they were in the shitter

I bet not a single one of these idiots even knew the flute existed before Lizzo played it. 

I’m confused as to why he killed the other inmate that wasn’t Dahmer.

Google, killing off something after trying to get it to take off for only a few years? I’M SHOCKED!

never ever in my life heard that had racist origins.  and doubtful the whitebread ass people running this show knew either.