You’re delusional if you think the WNBA could even scrape the bottom of the profit barrel that is the NBA.
You’re delusional if you think the WNBA could even scrape the bottom of the profit barrel that is the NBA.
I’m gonna go the other way and say that Elden Ring doesn’t need a hard mode.
I am kinda baffled that this has turned into a Big Debate, because honestly the UI in Elden Ring is just.
Everything you’ve listed here is completely optional to the player. Get stuck on a boss? Summon help. Melee too tough? Used ranged bows or spells. Care about the Lore? Read item descriptions or look it up online. I don’t see how any of this is bad.
I really wish there was some type of tool tip or something to explain all the icons that show up under your stamina bar.
This is a cash grab, nothing more. Strip clubs are fun and do serve good food. It’s ok to have a boys lunch, the same way girls have mani/pedi lunch. Don’t know Sony’s policy but some companies are ok with drinks on a Friday for instance, that doesn’t mean the workplace is toxic. Guys/girls that are friends at work do…
So, I get everything else, but why is going to a strip club during lunch a bad thing? Like, are they gone more than the hour or whatever alotted to them? Are they not clocking out and using company time? Are they coming back drunk? If not... it’s their lunch break, they can go where they want.
When you think of war, you think of two parties fighting with all their might and galore. But on the other hand, thousands of people are being brought to death the moment they step on the battle field. War causes deaths and also causes disease and famine. In the 1940’s during the World War 2 it resulted in over 70-85…
Black people are violent babies. The amount of support for killing a man in this thread is disturbing. The same word you yourself use as a putdown and use every single day is worth killing over? I’ll remember this the next time I am around Black people. By your logic, I should be able to open fire and kill a bunch…
Parker said the decision to not remove the revealing outfits players criticized about from the game wholesale because it wanted to balance the experience for “hardcore fans” and players in the U.S.
Her career is to monetize attention. Every time she’s mentioned by another celebrity, she gets paid. She’s fine.
Exactly. The only reason the WNBA still exists is that the NBA continues to prop them up as the league loses money every single year. They can’t even get sponsors for charter flights. Their television ratings are miniscule and their in person attendance numbers have never been better than middling outside of a couple…
Ok, first things first. This is a travesty and let’s all agree she should be released ASAP.
The people hurt by war are always the people who have the least to do with causing it.
disagree. some of these made me chuckle, and it was a welcome break from the increasingly bad news out of the Ukraine. sometimes it’s ok to laugh at something silly.
But....if you’re offline how are you going to know when to Try Finger but hole ?
Man, she needs better communications people around her. Her statement was all over the place and historically inaccurate. She can’t continue like this - she keeps feeding her enemies; and this from someone who isn’t a fan.
Sitting side by side is psychotic unless you’re at the bar or with a group of people.
Stop sitting side-by-side. I, at the next table, sitting across from my spouse, like a normal person, do not want to have to see both of you on either side of her head, staring directly at me every time you get bored or are chewing.