
It’s detailed in the “read more” article. A couple years back she livestreamed in a public gym and was understandably asked to leave for privacy reasons. After arguing with staff and then leaving she made comments about how she was made to leave because she’s white and the place is therefore racist.

It’d be hilarious if his name was changed to High Noon so that he’d be CONSTANTLY reciting his own name.

Good lord, what is it with Blizzard and naming their characters after employees?

RIGHT?! Even this site’s writers are full of hypocritical shit and need an enema or something. They attack sexist males and meanwhile, throw “Karen” around delightfully.

It’s possible other devs are paying for licenses (which are frequently much cheaper than damages in a patent lawsuit). It’s far more common than you might think for companies to license their patents to their competitors.

Yikes, I live in muggy ass AL so AC runs a lot all summer and mine is nowhere near that, either you have a lot of house to cool or some holy shit what the fuck utility rates in Fresno. I know the CA utility average is higher than here but that seems really nuts.

We should have been more precise in our language around the Delica and ‘mini-trucks,’ but regardless, the underlying statute is what is being followed.””


Looks great, can’t wait for it to come out

Dock purchases will be much smoother if Valve only makes them available to accounts that have purchased a Deck.

cannot believe they are still trying to push that trackpad thing... I had so much hope from this

Plus... Microtransactions? Gross.

Looks like someone was taking an unscheduled nap. 

fell asleep is my guess...

It used-to bring up the exact conversation to which you replied, with a line to the left highlighting your own comment. That feature broke a couple months ago.

Looks like someone just picked a whole bouquet of oopsie daisies. 

I have a general question. If I post a comment here and Kinja notifies me that I have received a response, how do reply directly to that response without having to scroll down and read every comment looking for that response? Is there a way? (Because I am not going to invest the time necessary to do that). And if

The cause of the crash isn’t known at this time...

No, just shaming intrusive DRM.

It’s about the aim assist. Depending on the game and how it’s aim assist is implemented and how important tracking is, the extra stickiness from auto-aim is more useful than the faster snap target acquisition of Mouse+keyboard. There are apparently some Apex Legends pros for instance that use both; M+K for general