
I did.

These are small-minded pseudo-intellectuals who desperately want to believe they are better than everyone else and can’t believe that people call them out for the intellectual lightweights that they are. They are beyond pathetic and deserve every gram of scorn we deem fit to bestow upon them.

Yeah, you scoff at Weiss but fail to address her actual point, which is basically beyond refute at this point if you’re paying attention.

Lol, “renegade” must be the new “edgy”. Is this really how we’re going to market today’s bigots, NYT? Ooh, bigots are just soooo transgressive! So radical, so wild, so untamed, so new! Let’s go out of our way to flatter them and make their dicks feel bigger! Bitches pleeze.

It’s amazing how effective the right-wing victim industrial complex is.

You’re nailing this. The solution, as always, is to skew toward an older, politically disinterested audience who will definitely keep your company relevant in the years to come.

Also, after the WH press corps soiled itself over Michelle Wolf calling Sarah Sanders a liar, Giulani just confirmed that, yes, she’s been lying to them for months. Do you think any of them will call her on it?

odds are this isn’t new.

Came here to comment on just this.

I can still hear my breath. In. Out. In. Out. Yet still, the silence was deafening. And then he said the words every man, woman and child would never forget: “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” A human being had touched the surface of the moon. Well, two, if we’re counting me.

Look, if he’s so intent on “being there” even if he wasn’t there, let him make a movie like any other Wahlberg.

John was already married to Carol when he met Cindy, a beer empire heiress who was 18 years younger, at a military party. Carol had a terrible car accident that almost killed her. She was in a wheelchair, gained weight, and had to use crutches later on. Even before Cindy, John already admitted to other extramarital

But what would Andrew Jackson think of this?

Well Andy Benoit did kill his whole family so maybe he isnt the best to speak on character

Problem is they aren’t “takedowns,” it’s just petty bullshit that does nothing to undo the damage of installing Trump in the first place. Comey is bad.

These jabs are great and all, but this motherfucker was still part of the reason Trump won. The whole hand size thing...can dudes stop thinking about their dicks for like 2 seconds?

I’m so conflicted. On one hand, I’m loving Comey’s takedowns. On the other, I’m tired of his sanctimonious vibe and essentially tipping the election because he assumed Hillary was going to win.

I couldn’t make it through this entire piece (could anyone?), but does it mention Rothstein’s hair? His hair is so bad it’s distracting when he’s on air.

*The 12th Man in Your Mom