
There's an anime thread on Kotaku?!? I must go!

If we know anything about people who write for Gawker, it is that they will stand by a story, and defend themselves when proven they a wrong in the comments section, and then admit they were wrong in the comments section but don't update the main article. The commitment to the original narrative is always admirable.


shut up, susan.

"but if Drake or Justin Bieber are spitting I sit straight up."


I think any game that has a primary focus on gear, and getting that gear through random drops, is basically playing into a gambling addiction. The joy comes from the exact same endorphin rush that someone get playing a slot machine.

No, because one day someone will put a bomb on one and kill people with it. Then they will be banned by the government.

as a knick fan they would give love a max deal without hesitation...not saying i agree with it but this is the knicks we are talking about

Wishful thinking, unless jail means slap on the wrist.

It "routinely allowed clients to withdraw bricks of cash, often in foreign currencies of little use in Switzerland"

T-800 would slaughter Robocop.

I like how you're attacking the poster directly when he's addressing an issue that these comics aren't outright funny this week and overall they're kind of bad even if you do "get" them. But thats typical internet rhetoric there, if you have no argument but disagree with the person than it's DEFINITELY the person's

That guy is Charlea Napier, and he was my Dad. I always loved watching this role on VHS and he would like to play thia song in his study that we built onto the side of our house. We lived way up in the mountains and I was always interested in NASA and Star Trek because we could see the entire milky way with no light

If anybody owns it, it's probably the NFL.

I'm... I'm truly sorry. I don't know what came over me.

I feel like this game is trying to say something about the pointlessness of our self-obsession and the brevity of youthful beauty. Aren't we all just skeletons walking around a graveyard taking selfies?

Mike, I love reading your columns but throw in another Star Wars Prequel reference and I'll cut off your legs and leave you dying near a volcano.

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."