
"No More" is a FUCKING LIE.

Ok your second reply is funny :)

100% accurate and perfect review of the game lol. Laughed the whole time. Its so true. This game is amazing. I mean the gameplay is easy to understand and even if you fail at doing something right... you still laugh and enjoy your failure. Best game I've bought that was in alpha and don't regret it! :D

BTW on a side

A shit ton of people probably.

Except this is in the Philippines.

Its a dick sandwich.

and we are lol

I have had a couple of different catfishing experiences. One of which, is pretty crazy because it happened longgggg before "catfishing" was a thing. I'm 28 now, but when I was in high school, I used to frequent AOL chat rooms quite a bit. You know, the A/S/L? fun days. Girls would message me, pic trading would end up

"It was so sad to see the hopelessness in their faces, and know that they are never going to be okay," said Johnny, age eight.

you guys

I just wonder what Nintendo is up to...

some of the most frightening words ever, man

Not shocked - the show hasnt been worth a damn in years now. Welcome to the "Used to be a fan, but havent watched for ages" club.

First aid responders were unable to pull through in the clutch.

"...after going horizontal on a 720..."

Close, but no cigar. Not what you'd expect from Clinton.

In my house, the "Step Up" competition involves me lunging for the remote before d'wife puts another gawdawwwwful dance flick on.

To be fair, here in the States, this was Moore's first time attempting a reverse 720.

So "Running you over with your own bike" is Australian for "Get an ambulance in here"?

Someone please sue that guy. What a dumb ass.