
On the Lego UCS forums, most people think this is way overpriced, especially compared to the Slave I. This will be the next B-wing, heavily discounted before it's gone.

"Barbie might suggest jobs like a singer or a dancer as a result."

He'd play it off like he let her win and his fans would eat it up. No, the only way to get rid of Beiber is to stop talking about him.

No, they want a 14% raise.

Bring back Tobey as Old Grizzled Spider-Man and I will give you all the money.

A normal boat costs 15% of its purchase price in maintenance costs per year, plus the cost of insurance, plus the cost of keeping it in a marina. Boats are an incredibly expensive hobby over a certain size and how much you use them.

I'm confused why they had four...and then later five kids. Great for running a farm, not so great in their career path.

I already did by having Netflix. Now I want it forever.

But 5 second rule!

He invited the cheating team. LasVegas deserves to meet the President now.

But if I pirate it I have it forever. With Netflix I have it at 8/month, and only if they keep it up forever.

Tomato, Tomato.


Will Obama invite the Las Vegas team to the White House now?

Where's the fight scene from Old Boy? It was done from one angle in one shot!

Eh, that was just bad goaltending. Easily blockable if in the correct spot.

The weird people are the ones not on their phones this much. This is what society has become.

Now he can star in Death to Smoochy 2!

Ib some cases I have the DVD and it's easier to download than rip it.

Yep, one major incident and these go away completely (well, the terrorists will still use them of course. and the government.)