

Even if he wants to leave, the way he's playing means he'll have to take less money to go elsewhere. Does any team pay him max money to shoot 3's and play subpar defense?

"maybe convince a nerdy friend to give you a hand"

Tee hee.

Then they must all go to jail.

What a horrible way to end his career.

Nope, they have contracts with Universal that state that any new BttF movies can not be made without their approval. Universal doesn't outright own BttF.

JRPG's were perfect back in the day when you got one game for your birthday and needed the game to last as long as possible.

Danced badly I believe. I watched and didn't notice. Was hoping for a nip slip to salvage the show.



Zero mains Diddy Kong. It's a coward move, and should be booed.

We got us a Plato over here.

So his theory is the story of Braid, then? I should watch him save Peach in reverse and see what that's like.

"Bring it all on. This is going to be fun."

They fight for us. They aren't the fighters we deserve, they're the fighters we need.

I'm sure the family of that kid loves having that picture spread around.

Something closer to the male/female gamer ratio. That's just what I'd like to see, but I'm not saying they need to make that happen. Hire the best person for the job.

If there was a Wii U Smash tourney, everyone would be Diddy Kong.
