
Only two women?

They changed my name to Alone Forever. Damn you know me so well!

When India buys crops from America, do they just magically appear? Or does America send then?

Thank you.

America has plenty of food...for America. If you're talking about taking care of Africa and India, then yes, we're running out of food to send to them, but eventually that will be their problem. America currently exports a lot of food.

Then I wouldn't know what pop I'm drinking, among other useful knowledge to have.

"On January 27th, 1880, Thomas Edison was awarded a patent"

There can only be one football Horcrux, two is lame. I propose the scar that Bill gave David Tyree.

When this is completely waterproof I'll be interested. Gen 2? Gen 3? Hopefully it lasts that long.

This article is from yesterday.

Skull Kid is wearing the mask.

I'm 86 years old.

Skull Kid is much harder (unless you collected all the masks and turn into Super Link).

"The government cannot control the information."

"And if pharmaceutical companies are able to produce these drugs faster and cheaper"

This is another project backed by the slimy Winklevoss twins. Surprised the article doesn't mention them.

"In return the Burger King manager gave Janelle five free meals"

This is cheating though. They're comparing the third film of the OT with the first film of the PT with the first film of the new trilogy.

More reason to not go to a game!

Cheaper to buy photos from freelancers. Also, SI is probably dying.