
Daizenshuu 7 said Cold was "somewhat inferior" to Frieza.

Sorry guy, but she's going to cheat on you. If she's still hanging out with someone that thinks of her as more than a friend, then it's over. Just a matter of time.

Only good characters get to keep their bodies.

Then how come King Cold was weaker than Frieza?

Streaming content is a 16TB Home NAS. Blows away Netflix in every regard. Just like hoarding food for a storm, hoarding media pays off.

Back in my day you gave your Pikachu a Thunder Stone, and that was good enough! None of this Pokemon Saiyan God nonsense!

But you interacted like an asshole to anyone who disagreed with you in the Torii Hunter bigot article. Slippery slope.

Have you bothered to look at Sony's numbers for the year? Do you realize their gaming division is a very small part of the company overall? Sony lost 1.2 billion dollars between July-September alone.

When will he go to Dagobah already?

Hitmonchan was ok. Hitmonlee was not.

Can you afford to pay FIFA for advertising? No? Well neither can Sony right now.

Sony dropped it because they're losing money and couldn't afford the luxury. If FIFA doesn't fill the hole left by Sony then I'll be surprised.


Are we assuming no one is colorblind?

Too bad that love for their coach never translated to conference championships. They didn't and were never going to win with Bo. Caring coaches never seem to get the most out of their players.

If it wasn't for the frat bro behind him I'd say it was 1991.

Winning a Super Bowl would probably get the butt fumble to go away. It would still be brought up on anniversaries though.

I'm sure the market has already adjusted accordingly.

One day the sports bubble will collapse, you can only drain taxpayers so much and then turn around and overcharge them to go to the games.

spoiler question: does Ajay sleep with anyone in this game like the protagonist from FC3? (Provided you pick the right path in the story )