
that's what I'm rooting for

Do you really think he wants to kill himself? Really? It's a classic sympathy move, take it easy on me or I might do this horrible thing. It's bullshit to threaten that.


I think all of these problems can be avoided by discussing with your partner what's going to happen when kids come...before you get married, and before you're expecting. If you can't agree on an answer, then end the relationship.

Tien is stronger than Krillin, it's hardly debatable. The only reason people believe this is because of a comment Yamcha made to Krillin's daughter, of course he's going to say that.

From what Ive learned about street life from TV/movies, being disrespected is the ultimate crime and people are willing to kill over it. Not surprised.

People pay for music? Well I'll be.

How am I making shit up? I have a degree in computer engineering. My official title is Process Engineer, but it doesn't change what I am.

If it's any consolation, working at IBM supposedly sucks.

At this point Steve and Brian are wondering why Barbie never goes for Nice Guys.

I'm a computer engineer. I do a mix of hardware and software, mostly software.

If it's any consolation, Steven and Brian will never get to have sex with Barbie.

But my vote doesn't count, so why should I participate in this farce?

He doesn't have the balls for a beer mile.

After declaring Birdo to be a boy in SMB2, they've avoided addressing genders.

By that analysis, any scientific experiment is a success because we learn what not to do. Sure we learned something, but we had a list of goals and did not achieve them all. Given the money and time spent, they failed.

You made some good points until you got silly at the end.

It must be empowering to go through life calling everyone you disagree with a troll.

It "landed", bounced a mile, and then landed on its side in the shade, where it died after its initial charge. It will get more light soon but it'll have limited time to work before the heat destroys it. It also can't drill properly on its side which was its main goal.

Then I stand corrected if it worked, but laying on its side unanchored I fail to see how it could have collected any useful data. It sounds like they fired it off because why not.