
To be fair, Xavier is basically a god and can easily beat Quiksilver (when he has his powers).

The Incredibles is, for the most part, Watchmen.

I won't have to deal with UPlay, that's all I care about.

Option 3 sounds best.

Whelp, looks like I'm pirating these games. I hate UPlay more than anything.

I think he's talking about the article in Jezebel since they cross-promote.

2 GB file size limit. Supposedly 5 GB total for video files.

Can we get this in gif form? I want to save it on my phone forever.

Why are you so angry? Are you related to Treadwell?

No, it's karma.

Bo Wallace is a douche, they deserved to lose.

Ever since Ole Miss' QB was exposed as a douchebag last week, they've lost two in a row. Karma.

This was a huge reach. Barely above a normal tackle. 3/10.

I remember back in 1999-2000 in middle school we had to do a report on the White House. We all went to the school computer lab to do the report. was a porn site. Good times.

The detail on the board makes no sense, it says Marvel movies but DC films are in there.

Realized he'll make more money creating products that Google/Apple/Facebook/Microsoft will buy at a high price.


Jerry: You're a gamer, Tony. Let's do this, you'll be good to go.

All Jimbo Fisher cares about is winning football games. I have no doubt he'd cover up a Sandusky incident if he thought it would cost him a national title.

I have a 16 TB NAS at home; I fully expect the internet to be ruined and have been hoarding in the meantime. Doesn't mean I can't laugh about it though.