
Don't throw your flip phone at the government building! It belongs in a museum!

Ooh I forgot about that. I must have suppressed those memories, because my rifle jammed on me all the time.

These are the snacks we're looking for.

Final cut.

Sites have been shutdown for linking to copyrighted content. If it wasn't illegal I'd make tons of those sites right now.

That physical copy thing is something the ROM sites made up, just like the "it's not illegal if you only have it for 24 hours". It's all illegal. I thought everyone knew this by now?

But seriously though, it's going to be porn.

The fact that it was open world didn't have any affect on the story, is what I'm saying. The missions themselves are still linear which means the story telling is unaffected.

Ah! Thanks.

I don't get it.

Just to clarify, you need iOS 8 to download it. I won't update my 5 from iOS 7 because I know it'll run like garbage.

Neh. Games like Far Cry and GTA have fine stories. All you have to do is have story missions, and the missions themselves be linear. In between missions you can run around doing whatever you want, it doesn't hurt the story any.

Then how would we kill them before they crawl into our ear and eat our brain?

Kobe Bryant.

Share your ideas, so others can patent them and make all the money!

Yes. Wait, I mean no.

Nope, he would use his hover chair or his metal-free chair.

One ticket? Yeah, because going alone to games is a lot of fun.

Hopefully Jezebel doesn't get wind of your observation.

Preach it Jesus! It was really bad, I have to agree.