
Yes, but some of us try to solve the puzzles on our own up to the point of frustration. Using a strategy guide in a puzzle game ruins it, because the fun is all in the puzzles.

I must have this. Oops. I mean, I wants it my precious.

At least warn people that TLJ has some insane puzzles.

it's all or nothing.

Voldemort's Horcrux? Delete! Delete!

Nobody wants to wear Windows on their wrist.

I'd rather have $2800+ go towards helping living people. When I'm dead I don't care what happens to my body, because I'm dead. Funeral expenses are a great scam.

Or maybe he got Diamond Cuttered?

If ESPN considers poker a sport, then gaming is definitely a sport.

Lies. There were zero kittens in that video. All grown cats.

Fake. Everyone knows the Invisible Jet still has the frame visible.

Chariots of Fire? Raging Bull?

More like gloriously rich.

Well done Ubisoft. You've lost my software pirating until 2015.

If this is rooted to play emulated games, consider me interested.

I pirate all my games and still wait past day 1 for the patches. Even free isn't worth my time.

U2? Let it go already Apple, nobody cares about U2 anymore.

They only want to make money. It's actually illegal for them not to do everything they can to make money for their stockholders. Again, this decision like all others is based on money; they have more to lose from bad PR then they have to gain from a backdoor. It has nothing to do with morals.

Apple/Google don't give two shits about our privacy, they just don't want the bad PR when someone uses their backdoor and makes it public.