
Ash has been in a coma since the bicycle crash. This is all a dream so naturally he's super string in the dream world.

Because the assault is described as a pattern. One of those things that I'm sure a lot of kids knew about, and some of those kids have to told parents and coaches. There was more than likely a lot of inaction from many parties because they didn't want to investigate further.

Yes, we all know Aragorn didn't get a cell phone until AFTER Helms Deep.

Blade Runner.

Nope, town deserves it. Should have been stopped immediately.

I agree, I love my Gateway. Playing Smash right now.

But it won't be the same Little Thing. It will be different. This Little Thing is dead, dead forever. They won't meet again, unless this is a religious letter.

Is this guy trying to show that high priced meals are mostly a big waste of money? 220 for food is silliness.

Or two minutes in the penalty box.

As if we won't have robots fighting ground wars in 2202. Come on now.

How did he get this picture through all of China's pollution?

I think death is worse than games not being as advanced as they could be. But you just keep on being stupid you.

Then I won't have to upgrade my PC for any considerable time. Got that going for me.

There is no team in football called the Racists.

Because one clearly came first.

Nintendo needs to make a Circle Pad Pro for Smash players.

I was rooting for you to sleep with Jennifer.

It was all a trick, he was stalling Luke hoping he'd die too while pushing the button to blow the Death Star on his chest.

He gave you congestive heart failure?

Do you take your tablet everywhere you go?