
I feel it's pretty east to shrug off criticism when you're worth 100 mil

At a restaurant.

I don't want to carry my PC around with me. My phone...I'm already carrying that with me.

Final Fantasy is in the App Store, something that could be played for free with an emulator.

There are plenty of games that have been ported to iOS that could be played on an emulator for free. Not to mention all the other game apps that would suffer if they had to compete with the entire NES/SNES library.

Do you honestly believe human umps are more accurate than pitch tracker?

A better number would be the amount of people that own a 3DS vs the amount of people that own Smash Bros

Might as well step it up and get a NAS for a real home theater experience.

Might as well step it up and get a NAS for a real home theater experience.

Collins is currently the subject of an NYPD criminal investigation

They have the tech to replace umps calling balls and strikes. Put a receiver in their ear telling them what the pitch tracker called. That way there is still an ump verbally announcing balls and strikes, but with 100% accuracy.

this is Gizmodo, not Jezebel.

The Delorean one is right up there with the winning entry IMO.

That was awesome.

The people in the industry behind scenes like that make it ridiculous for fun, it's a game between them all to see how goofy it can be.


I'm sure the mic on Glass is not strong enough to accurately pick up voice for conversion.

Well it's better than girls dating villains. But I agree, they should get to date whomever they want.

I didn't pretend to be Luke or Han. I pretended to be myself, but with Jedi powers. And if you're saying you never pretended to have Jedi powers you are LYING.

A camera with the same specs as the $200 white edition is going to cost ~$200! Wow!!

Funny thing is I can bend a Galaxy Note just as easily, but no one talks about this because no one cares about other phones defects.