
Seasons 1-10 only, I hope.

I got a plan to get us out of here

The Ringwraiths would know where he is.

Oh please. The cutscene will be at least an hour. And there will be a "Press X to resist torture" game halfway through.

And a whopping 1 GB RAM!!! Wooooooooo

Agreed, he's not going to get a ticket on the Number 9.

Doesn't this just mean parents are buying CDs for their kids?

Leela: Hey, what's behind that door?

The sizes are 16, 64, and 128...NOT 16, 32, and 128.

Duh. McCarron was a game manager on a loaded team. He's the Trent Dilfer of college football.

Well that works everywhere else in life. Why not for getting into college also?

Then everyone from Japan buys a console overseas at a much lower price.

It's true, I'd have a WiiU right now if I could jailbreak it. They might even get some software sales out of me if I really want to a play game online. Better than no sales at all.

"They'll say, for whatever reason, piracy was rampant on the Nintendo DS."

From my point of view the Jedi are evil!

It's the opposite, there's almost nothing that can kill you in NZ.

You're welcome.

I figure Jennifer Aniston is #1 on the not happy list, no matter what she says.