
Problem is, if they get rid of Photoshop, then only size 4 models will be getting hired the majority of the time. Cause and effect.

June 6, 1944.

I hope no DDay survivors see this article.

Fun fact: Samurai were not experts at fighting with swords. They were excellent archery marksmen though. They carried swords as a last line of defense, but to be an expert at swordplay meant you were a terrible shot, and that was embarrassing to them. It'd be like a modern day sniper being an expert at knife

Yeah the ROM websites made that up; owning ROMs at all is illegal. However, no ones going to bust down your door for having them. Selling them to that's a different story.


Did you donate the 100?

You just keep missing the point. Every team is getting bashed by deadspin, and it's all in good fun, but you live so vicariously through a sports team that you take all the fun out of it. It's pathetic and sad. That you even felt the need to present these facts to combat satire is depressing.

You're missing the point. The article laughed about the fact that a Steelers fan would say all these things, and then you just did, proving all the horrible things about Steelers fans are true. You discredit your team by being so pathetic.

Neh, he's right. Wouldn't make sense to compare two different characters just because they have the same name. They don't look alike because they shouldn't.

Why did the peaceful protesters have Molotov cocktails? And why do they keep looting and destroying businesses in their community?

But the video game doesn't have divisions! There should only be ONE grand master. If it's a guy in his 40s still playing the card game, so be it. Kids just need to deal with it.

How else are they supposed to handle widespread looting? Do people need to speak freely at 3am?

The first Death Star took 18 years to build. The second one was going to be finished in considerably less time (4-5 years) and was much larger. You underestimate their ability to make helmets; they've made space stations the size of moons. Helmets are nothing.

All good points, worth looking into.

Yep. Spoilers!

Man trolls OKCupid and angers women, wonders why he's alone.

Logan, though some call him Wolverine.

He's half Namek, that's why human acne creams have no effect on him!

While that'd be nice, as a MMA fighter I think he'll be able to fight back pretty well.