
Wasn't he at that half-naked band event at midnight watching young girls run around? Yeah, that'll get you fired.

The properties are all from different Zelda games on different timeline branches!!!

Show me in the article where the police say they went to the wrong apartment.

Are you talking about the family that had the police called on them because a 12 year old was being beaten in the face with a belt so loudly the neighbors could hear?

Wait, was this story made up to trick me into reading an advertisement for a miniseries? I feel so used!

weight (N) = mass (kg) × gravitational field strength (N/kg)

Gasoline has a shelf life. Was hoping this would finally be the film to address that.

He did detective work in TDK, namely the reconstruction of the bullet.

Sweet Jesus.

I don't think people would have complained about the CGI if the prequels were good films. Sadly, they were not.

The moral of the story was very 80s too...befriend a dragon and murder your bullies.

"Your move, DC."

Does your house have a dust problem? You should consider cleaning it, it shouldn't be everywhere.

Would his speech be as good if he was dressed up as a mime?

Or they could just make a search engine that people want to use over Google. Good luck forcing people to use inferior products.

That's supposed to be Sonic? I admit I thought it was one of those crazy Gen 16 Pokemon or whatever they're on now.

Living vicariously through a sports team has its ups and downs. Mostly downs.

Wiggins is cheap and could be a great player. But you have to give LeBron the best chance to win while you can.

KG for a stretch was the best player in the NBA. Wasted a lot of great years in Minnesota with no supporting cast. But that's the NBA for you.

A Kim Khardashian free to play game just reportedly made 200 mil and counting. That is pretty much all profit given the tiny amount of work it takes to crap out a cheap game like that. Until these games stop making boatloads of money they will keep getting made.