
It does actually, you aren't allowed to pretend to make a play on the runner. At least in the high school rule book.

Professor X doesn't murder people, that goes against everything he stands for. 2/10

Ok, fair enough.

I mean that while condoms cost money in stores, they are free if you know where to look, unlike birth control pills. "Basically free". Or you can get them through Hobby Lobby for free if you work there.

But it's a bad symbol, because it's something Hobby Lobby already supports. Condom =\= birth control. One is basically free, the other is not.

But like you said, they're passing out condoms which Hobby Lobby already supports. They need to be passing out the more expensive birth control pills.

Space Slam.

"she's a fan of Dragon Ball, but not so much Dragon Ball Z. Apparently little martial arts boys with tails are adorable."

It moves from PG to inappropriate when the clothes come off. I expect the same from straight people. Don't need to see a pic that could be from a porno, gay or straight. Keep it clean.

Are you now trying to argue that mattresses are equal to condoms when talking about sex? I think we're done here.

What do you do with condoms then? Never mind, don't want to know.

By that logic you could have sex with a goat, post a picture, and anyone who is offended has latent goat urges.

If that person was aroused then they are possibly gay, and you just insulted a gay person for being gay. Congrats.

That's also interesting that you would defend gay rights by suggesting I'm a closeted gay person as an insult.

These kind of pictures are normally reserved for condom ads and the like. They can make out with clothes on if they want to make it appropriate.

Pictures of sex are inappropriate, regardless of gender. If one of them was a female with no shirt on I'd have the same reaction.

Supporting gay rights is one thing, but the picture of two guys making out with their shirts off is a bit much.

I'm pretty sure that if that guys neck snapped from that tackle they'd have a lawsuit on their hands. You aren't allowed to murder/paralyze streakers with excessive force, especially when you can visibly see he has no weapons on him.