
goalies face partially obscured by the net, -1 point, not perfect.

it's not like Kibe didn't try. They brought in Malone and Payton to try what the Heat are doing.

The ______ lost to a Heat team that was built by drafting Wade a few years earlier and grabbing a few solid veteran players.

Yes, but they landed their LeBron in Tim Duncan and kept him. Team will be dead in a few years.

Pistons have fallen off. Spurs are a few years from doing the same.

Spurs got their LeBron in Duncan and built around him. When this team is dismantled in a few years watch how fast they fall.

The NBA is going down a sad path where only 5-6 teams have a realistic chance of winning it all. If you're a fan of a small market team, I honestly don't see the point. You have to hope for a LeBron in the draft, and then pray he sticks around.

He's 80, sick, and can buy whatever he wants already. 2 billion means nothing to him, he wants revenge.

Do people own Ebooks anymore? I thought you just leased them till you died or changed devices.

And whose idea was that song? Hint: it wasn't McDowell.

Go back and look who came up with that idea. Hint: it was the director.

Let's use the Star Wars example. There's a big difference between Harrison Ford saying "I know" while filming, and Harrison Ford saying it in rehearsal or a script read, everyone liking it, and then they all agree he should use the line later. If you think those two things are the same then we're done here.

The whole original point was that Kubrick is a control freak on his script and for an actor to improv different lines than Kubrick had planned would have shocked me.

Now we just need a father-son version of this, lol.

My idea of improv is Kubrick writes a line, expects it to be said, the actor doesn't, and Kubrick keeps the line in. I wouldn't call planned scenes where there are no lines already written improv, IMO.

Kubrick tricked the actors to say crazy things in rehearsals and filmed it. All planned by Kubrick.

Did you read that explanation? Kubrick said it was his idea. Kubrick improved his own work.

Yeah I'd be surprised if anyone got to improv in a Kubrick film.

You were a candle in the wind Zim.

In Skyward Sword she most definitely wants the D.