
"Can you Rasta-fy him by ten percent?"

In the 80s Australia had very liberal tax laws on film productions so US producers could use Australian funding entities and production service firms as tax shelters, and also get advantages for participating in Australian coproductions. These copros would be released in the US and voila, Mel Gibson. Canada now is a

My irritation over ZDT is that in order to maintain that ambiguity, it twists the facts to be more favorable to torture than they actually were.

I once told Kathryn to her face that I really enjoyed K-19 and thought it was a great film. She was polite but annoyed.

"She really isn't. There's not a single film of hers that I consider to be good."

Hmm Lone Survivor was the epitome of middlebrow entertainment.

People have varying interpretations of ZDT given the same facts, and a lot of people have varying interpretations of the War on Terror given the same facts. This is the sort of thing someone concerned about semiotics might chuckle at, indeed something they might have premeditatively set up.

"(it spans about 4,500 pages when put together and features “Stephen King” as a character)"

People will have to see the pilot at least and come to their own conclusions. Some people, particularly people working on it, have watched it and have found out.

The show has been a political trainwreck ever since Fuller was separated, it is known. Between K&O, Akiva Goldsman, Nick Meyer and a Roddenberry its hard to see how any particular vision prevails.

All the art they've released just looks like warmed-over JJ Abrams Trek.

"Trek canon says that the founding Federation members were human, Vulcan, Andoran, and those weird pig guys."

Spiner was supposed to become a regular in the last season and take over the concession stand in the court commissary, but had to turn it down when Star Trek booked him.

Hmmmm "Find me Guilty"…

All I can think of now is Peter Griffin grabbing Fallon by the shoulders and pounding his face into the asphalt while shouting "Why do you break up during EVERY ONE of your bits!?! Is it because Carol Burnett did it?!?!? You think you're as funny as HER??!?!?!?!"

James Mangold directed "3:10 to Yuma" which might be viewed profitably in light of this.

I saw this today, only about a dozen people in the theater but there was still a patent reaction. It's schmaltzy but it delivers, Frank Capra-style.

Only reason I know about the Hunley is because that's what they named the submersible on Adult Swim's Sealab 2021.

This depends on how you categorize Death Wish 3, because it's still a Death Wish film but you can see the Invasion USA mentality beginning to rub off. The ethical-vigilantism problem gets about five seconds worth of consideration and it mostly becomes about getting a bazooka into Charles Bronson's hands a quickly as

Good Curtis Hanson entry.