
Oh, Reservoir Dogs wasn't even a huge hit, so I'm surprised he was even offered it. Huh, guess you learn something new every days.

I have also heard Reeves is a mensch.

I've used U-Matic decks with that very loop switch you see the tape op throw. It doesn't make the image seamlessly loop, it makes the tape machine stop and rewind, there'd be huge gaps in-between playbacks. In the era of Speed that sort of effect wouldn't have been available in a remote truck, even sports replay VTs

And the woman he divorced is still the better action director. She doesn't throw cars around very often but don't let her lock you in a submarine.

Speed is supposedly the movie Steve Martin's Joel Silver-esque producer is making through the events of Grand Canyon. You watch screening scene now and the parody is unmistakable — "Am I the only one who cares about the writing?"

See, that's what we're talking about, this guy gets it… ^^^

Well there was the travel ban and the threat to invade inner-city Chicago…

Films compete in the categories they submit to, a foreign film can compete for the "regular" categories as long as it's eligible — which usually means it played for at least a week at an advertised run in NY or LA. If you did that you generally can submit for the main categories.

The things is that's just a combination of three perfectly credible "Donahue" episodes.

Awards screeners usually do that, after you click "Accept" on the anti-piracy notice.

""Born-again" types are typically people who substitute one type of addictive, compulsive behavior for another ostensibly less destructive one."

The way it's presented, it could either be a different recording or overzealous processing of the original. It probably is a different recording of the line reading but in the context of the film it's impossible to say that it isn't the result of his equipment un-squashing the original.

Mr. Robot?

Let us not disparage her fundamental contributions to Star Trek canon.

So, I'm a sound designer and re-recording mixer. When we do restoration and cleanup work, it's extremely easy to accidentally or intentionally modify the reading of lines so that the intention of them is completely different from where we started.

Some of us like 1941 and consider it perhaps not perfect, but a completely credible 1970s cocaine-addled farce.

You know the story for how Coppola met Ford? Ford's day gig was as a carpenter and he was installing doors at Zoetrope headquarters when Lucas and Coppola needed an extra actor to read in auditions on American Graffiti. Ford just happened to have a SAG card…

I work as a sound designer in Hollywood, at least in part, because of this movie

I'll put it as more dark than The Black Hole but not as dark as Sorcerer. By kiddie movie standards it's hopeless.

You can read Tarkin as having professional or military authority — he's a "governor" and a "grand moff," which might suggest something like a British Grandee, a military governor. Vader on the other hand represents a different power hierarchy, he's the nobility, a Duke to the Emperor's king.