
I am all in favor of civility but I live in a world where even the most basic civility is rare. I have been depressed all day over the Gawker retelling of the NYT story about the girl who was publically sexually molested while everyone watched-and then it was all put on the net where people made jokes about the

Wow, you must have gotten a" A" in Liberal Guilt 101. Did you also take history? Can you find me any organized group of humanity that was not oppressed and the oppressor at one time? So, in this Liberal heirarchy of most victimized, do you get extra points for being shot in the head by the taliban for promoting

These people were desensitized to cruelty and lack what is called empathy. They make up a lot of the young people who grew up on depravity and never learned civilizing culture. When the stories of your culture are told in Grand Theft Auto , this is your world. Good Luck.

AS I have thought about this story through the day, I think this is worse than the Connecticut shooting. The shooting was a horror committed by a mentally ill personwho likely did not know the wrongness of their act. This story of abuse and rape was committed by many people all totally aware of their actions and

Silly me.

Gawker sites should not throw such an accusation around as if it were absolutely true since replies are this is not established about Clarke. Gawker owes his family an apology.

More evidence that the world is taken over by barbarians. From the teens who got drunk to the witnesses ,to the abusers ,to the adults -everyone was barbaric and lacking in basic empathy and any sense of civilized behavior. Well under 35's-this is the world you are creating for yourselves- hope you like it.

Was Clarke really a pedophile or did you just toss out that aside ?

Peace to you and hope you have great end of year.

jezebel- now you are playing the Race Card? How does that help anyone?

Thank you to Peter for helping the world be a better place.

No, Corp, I am older than you are. People did not paint on others property with either 'art' or gang signs and if someone did a 'prank' they expected to be punished for painting another's school. No one defended vandalism as "art". Bullying was something a single troubled child might do, but the community of kids

Crazy conspiracy alert- who thinks there is more to this? Who thinks this is 'interesting' that so much trouble is being expended to crash 2 probes into an area that 'cannot be seen'? Where are the producers of Iron Sky?

Well it is hackers, random shooters, public cursing , open bullying, and tagging , etc that are messing with my real world existance-and probably yours; so, I will say public morality needs defending. Having the crudest possible public existance is a 'public morality'- just not one I want to live in.

This is just a smear piece with misleading charts. No one cares or will notice if one device lasts 20 minutes more or less when both are betwen 5 and 6 hours. But ,Acer is saving money by shipping poor batteries in all their devices so the low ACER score is not about Win 8, it is about ACER's cutting corners. I have a

I wish you were right, but day to day, the lack of civility is growing. I know that for people under 35, the idea of politeness seems antiquated, but civility is the basis of civilization. Psychologically, the Zombie fixation is, in my opinion ,a Jungian style collective awareness of the lack of innate civility and

Of course, by your account, you are an atheist... so, something stuck and you formed a definite life- philosophy. Seriously, while most of us are not going to take a weapon and murder someone, many people do just that. Murder, rape and degrading others have become entertainment. I shook my head because the President

Corp, the issue is , in part, that the 'stories' of most video games are reprehensible and are evolving to be more materialistic and murderous. And please don't tell us that images and messages don't change behavior, because the advertizing industry gets paid bllions to successfully change our behavior.

No, most of the great scientists including Einstein, Bohr and Freud were religious in their way and the most current discuusions in String theory are on the boundaries of what is science and what is belief -even what is the fundamental truth in such concepts as the Anthropic Principle .Sadly, too many do not read