
It is certainly not popular on io9 to look at the reality that popular culture has become more violent and as that has changed, there has been a change such that real world behavior is more violent. The evidence of the link is to be seen in advertising, that most cynical of popular culture. Advertisers are paid to

Today needs to be about treating mental health. In China, a person with a knife killed over a dozen people on the the same day. All these mass killers have turned out to be mentally ill. eapons are always available- the solution is not to treat mental illness as a second class problem.

Sorrry, didn't mean to restart things. The great thing in this climate issue is we will get an answer in a few decades and for science, being assured an answer is pretty neat.

Yet another article with a warped sense of time. The article and many posts talk as if the time involved was long- but in real world time, the 'last century 'was 12 years ago. All the internet era is since around 1994. Please, try to keep at least a passing connection to real world time scales. Plant an oak tree.

Yes, the world had rather rapidly warmed and glaciers a mile high had melted- all from climate change ...and all with no connection to anthropogenic CO2.

I respect your reasoning and respectfully and absolutely disagree. Using hateful words about oneself like N**R is a way of doing self-imposed segregation. I read on Yahoo, where Black commentator on ESPN questioned if RG3 is 'really Black'? That is what the N-word has come to be for Liberals and Blacks- a code for

Conservatives are arguing against using racial slurs and you, as a Liberal -are for the use of racial slurs. Simple. If "adapting" means it is ok to use words like N***R, then, That is just the wrong adaptation. I agree with many of your points as do most conservatives-but, most conservatives have a more consistant

By the way, though we agree to disagree , I appreciate your thoughtful and interesting posts. Most climate discussion is just ad hominem or worse and it was very informative and enjoyable to have this discussion.

I would suggest that the issue is likely not the movie-but the problem lies in the jaded desensitization I have seen in chronic gamers. Chronic gamers often say they no longer get a feeling of tension or excitement from watching or reading media. They say they require the interaction in order to feel engaged. Since

Rusell Crowe and Cherize Theron as Mr. and Mrs. Fantastic.

No argument that it is warmer today than 10000 year sago as there is no glacier crushing my house. For myself, I hope we continue a warming trend rather than return to an ice age. No one who ever farmed worried about summer. Winter's Coming. The joke is on the UN and the 'harmed nations' [many of which were in

Oh the Liberal Nanies- no wheat, no meat, no tobacco, no big sodas, no cars, live in 300 sq foot houses...but OK to smoke all the dope you want. Idiots.

I respect your interpretation but there are numerous papers-one even discussed on io9 about explanations for why CO2 is not following temp, so the idea that CO2 is following temp is not accepted even in the Green science camp. Let us disagree as science allows and that is fine for science. As a person who respects

Well, I appreciate your points but the bottom line is the bottom line- has temperature followed CO2? No. So, the theory is not following its predictions. Does the Earth have stable climate? No. Climate Change is not a real science theory as it cannot be falsified. Is the Earth warmer today than 10000 years ago -yes.

I am amazed by Liberal-think. I simply cannot understand the idea of a heirarchy of victimhood where groups at different levels get to do more heinous things based on their oppression score. By this reasoning, the 14 year old girl shot by the Talban gets to use any racial slur and the scoring flows down from there.

We spend 50 years trying to get people to stop smoking and Liberals fight to legalize smoking marijuana-idiots.

Let us all come together in rejoicing! Alien Kaiju, Giant robots. The world damn well better not end Dec 21.

If you cannot love should be faorced to read only Jezebel until this masterpiece arrives next summer. This is beyond beyond. Excuse me, I am overcome...

Wow is that a complex cultural set of directions. I read that Blacks are mad at Tarrentino for using N**ER about 100 times while premiering his new movie. My problem is the irony that outside Blacks ,Hip Hop and too cool Liberals like Tarrentino, you don't hear N**R used anymore. The word and the concepts it includes

Wow, a writer who takes part in "fuck you week' has issues that the world and people and their children are not as polite and civil as one might wish...? Is this a reprint from the Onion or does this writer have no ability to connect the dots on this topic?