Jesus. I'm all for oxymorons, but this is just too much for me.
Jesus. I'm all for oxymorons, but this is just too much for me.
The amount of HGH in Florida's wastewater is becoming problematic.
Fisherman: Holy hell! That thing is huge!
Of course you don't have to be Black to be offended by a word that was a tangible way to express hate. I am of African decent and heterosexual, and still offended by Native American, Hispanic and homophobic slurs; As all Americans for equality should be.
it's almost like you don't know world history or something. Humans are not peaceful creatures, go read a book.
Not only was Nishimura thanked publicly, but later his ten year-old son, who had gone missing an hour before the game, turned up at Nishimura's hotel room unharmed.
Alternate title: "How to protect yourself from Deepak Chopra".
Oh, I didn't even know Elysium was a sci-fi movie. Was it? I always assumed it was some sort of campaign for Obama-care.
Groundhog D-Day
I was banned from /r/feminism. I've been a feminist since I was in diapers, but have an annoying habit of refusing to treat the world as if it were a floating feminist studies classroom. If you want to change the real world. You need to acknowledge how the real world works.
While I get what you're trying to say, I think you're somewhat comparing apples to oranges here. Anime is actually a general term for a type of television entertainment that originates from Japan and happens to be animated. It is just as diverse as Western television programming, animated or not. From hardcore to…
Think of it as a FiveFinger discount.
This feels like it was written by someone who reads about cars but doesn't actually work on them. I was going to go through and make a deal about all the things that seemed either contradictory, assumptions, or just don't make any sense outside of "hacker hack stuff all the time, so that's good that computers are in…
Think you could maybe learn something about how to construct a logical argument. For example, it would be unacceptable for me to dismiss your perspective because you have chosen to name yourself after an actress that has recently decided to announce her support for Woody Allen, an accused pedophile. That is committing…
Well, I can see how that would totally discredit anything he has to say. I would like to introduce your to my friend Ad Hominem. Perhaps you have heard of him but maybe you have never met.
Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32…
I would say its more of an incompetence thing. A good idea placed in the hands of people who have no idea how to execute a simple plan.
"Just win, baby."
All species are evolving toward mastering nature. Spiders build webs, gophers burrow, beavers build dams, and birds say FU to gravity and fly. We just happen to be really good at what we do, the best on the planet in fact. But as the current hurricane, and the recent tidal wave in Fukushima have taught us, we are very…