"That guy"" would be named "Obama".
"That guy"" would be named "Obama".
If you really are a maker of movies, can you make a New Year's resolution to not use crude language for no reason such as at the end of your post?
People forget Y2k was a real disaster that was averted by companies spending billions to fix a real problem. Electric grids ,airplanes and businesses would have crashed but programmers fixed the problem- so, you cannot compare a very real, averted disaster to a fantasy.
What a perfect example of 'modern jornalism' where whatever story this started about is subsumed into a real or imagined narcissitic story about the reporter himself. Did the reporter need to tell us he is gay? No, but he obviously thinks this makes him more cool , so he throws it around like the readers care. Why do…
Polosi said,"elections have consequences". She meant it.
This seems a decade of extending basic research with robotics and a continuation of NASA's desire to get totally out of the manned space program. The boondoggle 'space station to nowhere' is not very prominent in NASA's planning after wasting billions on it. Thank goodness for Branson and the other private space…
I haven't been an intern in a long time but CMS is changing all my CPT coding and then DSM is redefining all the illneses ,then ICD 10 is coming followed by full implementation of Obamacare. That is apocalypse for me starting at midnight Dec 31. [But being an intern under Obamacare , you do win the 'no future'…
Annalee, I agree with respecting culture,so, could you respect Western civilized culture and not use 'fuck' and such language . Your article of 'respect' for past culture seems almost a parody given the language you use to make your point.
Going back to The Right Stuff, many have said NASA never wanted to be involved in manned space missions and liked probes much better. Currently NASA has an excellent probe on Mars and lets US astronauts pay taxi fare to ride junkyard Russian rockets to a useless spacestation. If humans are going to space, NASA will…
Opportunity is a triumph but they also took part in multiple failures and steps backward such that Americans have to ride a Russian rocket into space.
Ridiculous. Exageration/misrepresentation is never ok. The East Anglia scam artists being caught talking about lying is - hopefully- totally unrelated to NASA using hyperbole about Mars. Or, is io9 saying NASA is a big scam artist like the Warmingscam scientists showed themselves to be? [It is interesting the way…
Oh, I remember Voyager1's launch [ouch]. It was actually a planetary probe and it is a testament to the Golden Age of NASA that it was built so well it could go on to be an interstellar probe, which was not even whispered as a possibility when it was launched. The current mission is an add-on. NASA built things right…
"Vastness of space' is a cliche, but Voyager1 really shows us the reality of spacefight. 35 years and it still has not left the solar system. The only hope for humans to explore even our region of space is the warp drive NASA and others are looking at. Moving through conventional space by reaction drives is just too…
We all hope that was sarcasm.
The problem with such illneses is that history is on the side of the illness being real. 30 years ago neurologists I trained with rolled their eyes at migraines and MS.In the 1960's Stanford was the leader in saying schizophrenia was caused by how the mother parented, and ADHD was seen as 'bad kids' just 15 years ago.…
While there is around zero chance of this having any reality, most studies on grizzly bear populations are done similarly to this in that instead of cameras ,which in the age of digital processing have no believability, scientists use bait and pieces of barbed wire to catch hair samples for DNA analysis. Beyond that,…
Wow, what a racist. Rev King would be sooo proud that he died so Blacks can be as racist as many Whites of 60 years ago. Would Jezebel print this if we just change all the race words to "White"? Of course that would be unacceptable for all the good Liberals on Jezebel. No one cares about your quest to get a sexually…
You found a 'best part' in the Dome? I started skimming 100 pages in and the biggest mystery was who is this imposter who claims to be King as this cannot be by the guy who wrote The Shining.
A terrible, poorly written book that yearned for an editor. The book is 1000 pages and would have made a 30 page short story. Since there is nothing in the book that is original or surprising , I hope the adaptation can create a better story than King created.
The internet age has especially warped the real-world time sense of people. This warped sense of virtual time leads to people being frustrated when anything takes more than an instant. We actual consider 2 seconds to load a web site as too long. This lack of time-reality makes people's judgement poor. You commonly…