
Humans are not even in the big leagues of terraforming- Algae changed the atmosphere into the current oxygen rich atmosphere and thereby killed almost all earliest life on Earth and completely and fundamentally changed the environment. Ants/termites are next at changing the environment-although annelids may be even

I think io9 or Science Daily had a report that humans do glow- just not enough for most to see us. I don't have that reference though.

The discussion is the relative benefits to humanity of 3 large belief groups- Atheism, Belief in a Deity, and Secular Progressivism. I can see any attempt to discuss them as beliefs or opinions or whatever term one likes, is difficult because people get upset just by the attempt. I was comparing the three, not

Sadly, even on io9 which is supposed to have people who read actual science, the writers and most of the comments still talk as if Earth were surrounded by actual glass. That NASA measured the greenhouse effect and found the actual effect small and that the Earth has not warmed since around 1996 is irrelevent to the

History does not allow you to redefine reality. The Communist movement was the largest and most formalized Atheist movement in all history. That is not ancient history, that is contemporary ,current events. For Atheists to claim superiority in morality, they have to include that reality just as Catholics have to

The atheist Soviet Union is estimated to have murdered over 40 million people under Stalin alone and the atheist Politburo and Premier commanded and enslaved over 300 million people with very specific directions how to live.And that does not include all the other communist regimes including Maoist China. The

As a person committed to gender equality and Western civil rights ,I hope you are right and that an Islamic Reformation is around the corner.It has been said that every generation has to establish civil rights for its time, so perhaps we are only a generation away from a new Islam. We can always hope.

I hope you are right Corpore, but 1200 years of Islam seems to argue this is not a region where culture changes quickly. For women to even begin to have rights would require a Moslem "Reformation" and the evidence is against that. The Taliban recently shot a 14 year old girl in the head for the crime of advocating

If you follow what is happening in Egypt, the Arab Spring does not necessarily include rights for women or anyone else. The biggest winner appears to be the Brotherhood which is in favor of Sharia Law based society. None of the Arab Spring countries have included expanded women's rights so far.

First, once again an io9 science writer uses sloppy writing that misleads what is being done. Since flu viruses are held in the huge vector of pigs and birds and other mammals including sea lions, no human used vaccine can 'wipe out flu'. Using nucleotide based drugs of this type does carry huge risk of unintended

You let EUROPEANS make you feel bad about starting wars? Did you not go to school at all? Have you not heard of WW1 and WW2? Have you not heard of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, the British Empire, the 100 Years War, the Crusades...and on and on. The Muslum terrorists are fighting a war that started with the EUROPEAN

Abortion as an issue is all contradictions- it is an issue embraced by Feminists while it is used to preferentially kill female babies, it is embraced by Liberals while it kills more people of color than anyone else, it is a barbaric act of killing but most of its proponents are anti-violence. It keeps population


You know better than anyone else if you 'get told what to believe by Katy Perry' but given the amazing intellectual power of your comment, I would guess...yes you would be the sort to get their political opinions from a pop singer with whipped cream spraying out her chest.

That used to be the case but now, teachers are a union and act as unions act. By the way, wait till Obamacare drives all healthcare into unionizing. You will love heathcare strikes such as routinely occur in Europe. Once people are in unions, they do what the union says to do. Whether it is teaching or healthcare,

No, you need to read who Planned Parenthood is , how and who started it and what they actually do around the world. Read before you defend. If you still like them, fine. After all, it was Liberals who originated Eugenics to start with. See, that was my point about Liberals taking their info from celebrities and

Hey, if you feel ok taking your political news and recommendations from comedians on Comedy Central and singers who squirt cream out their chest or write on their butt, well, that is your right as a good Liberal/Democrat. Idiocracy, got here much faster than I was hoping.

No Child Left Behind is designed to make schools put all children at their performance level instead of lockstepping by grades-so, genius or not genius, the program is designed to put people in their performance area. But, schools and teachers unions hated the program as it requires more to get the fed dollars. Most

The point is the history and mission of Planned Parenthood and what the organization does right now worldwide. And if you do not know that Perry used her stage shows to campain for Obama, then perhaps you should read any news source since you are just not keeping up. But, then, you would not want to accidently see

No Child Left Behind is a great program that was designed to stop schools putting large groups of kids in the corner while collecting their daily federal head count money. Teachers Unions hate the program precisely because it holds those fed dollars hostage to...actually trying to educate every child . Every child has