
Man I’m glad that the headline for this is false and it was expanding foam rather than cement...

It would be nice to have the choice between Republicans and Low Sodium Republicans. An actual left wing of American politics if you will.

I’ve heard and read so many white Democrats try to shame blacks who didn’t show up to vote in the election. When I explain that black turnout was down because the Democrats ignored the black constituency, the general answer was “Well at least they’re not Republicans. Dems had to go for the working class whites!”

There is a real tragic irony in that a PS3 game is unable to run on the PS4 because of a lack of processing power.

They’re only able to get it running this well on high-end PCs. The PS4 is a mid-to-low-end PC from 3 years ago. Even if Sony created an emulator that works with the x64 architecture the PS4 uses, the sheer processing power necessary to run that emulator at full speed is likely beyond what the PS4 is capable of.

Its only cheating if it breaks the rules of the competition, which this clearly does. If you’re doing a glitchless run and you sneak a glitch in, then you’ve cheated, but if the whole contest is built around exploiting glitches then it’s not cheating. Basketball players aren’t cheating just because you can’t grab the

The Zelda exploit is done within the confines of the game itself whereas this uses video editing software, which are two very different things.

Imagine if politics came under as much scrutiny as speed runs.

Actually Bitcoin is 100% secure if its stored correctly. My Bitcoin is stored offline meaning no hacker could ever get to it. Its called “cold storage”. If you don’t store your Bitcoin properly its your fault if you lose it. Its the first thing everyone should learn before buying Cryptocurrency.

They torrent other content and complain they can’t get jobs.

It’s on the company for not verifying legal age, not on the parents for kid lying about it. Like how the kid or parents aren’t at fault if a kid gets served alcohol at a bar, the bar is the one at fault.

Which in part is why twitch is pushing their Bits system instead of using PayPal or something service.

Maybe she should have gone with ‘Drink more Ovaltine’ instead.

Each game is its own separate universe, with X and Y being continuity reboots, confirmed in ORAS. The events in previous games still happen, more or less, in future games, but there’s a lot of handwaves now.

Why does absolutely everything need a timeline

Um because they don’t run on OS X or Linux or BSD(Mostly anyways)? Just Microsoft Windows...

Well, no one buys an XB1 for Japanese games

That’s beside the point, the point is that Microsoft with the 360 made a lot of effort when it comes to japan and japanese games, and it worked, the system had a lot of japanese games, sold a lot better than the first Xbox in japan and even in the european market, because the european market loves japanese games.

OMG, I’m going to have to walk my parents through updates on all their wifi connected devices?

Wait, am I supposed to wait for a security patch for my phone, which hasn’t seen one in almost a year? Or my router, which I’m pretty sure hasn’t had a firmware update since it was purchased?