
THE STATE OF THE ART (for clarification)

They’re either going underground or they’re taking their trade to more friendly countries. A good Japanese tattoo artist could make bank just about anywhere they chose to settle.

I’m pretty sure everyone involved in that ruling was quite aware of the implications it would have. They are not moving forward with making the craft a lawful thing, they are working to make it “go away”. Of course, that just means they’ll go underground and become the very evil they are trying to get rid of.

Butchery has been a heavily discriminated occupation in Japan, actually.


This is ridiculous. Enable registered tax paying businesses to obtain licenses on condition that their premises and practices are up to code and do random inspections by the ministry of health. Do they want an underground trade to start?

The game did have to get made with it in mind, but after that, its as simple as flipping a switch. Sony just wont play ball. Its not a huge technical feat as sony would have you believe. They are lying. They just dont want to let someone who hasnt bought their console play with their community. Its literally one of

It sounds like the reason for lack of cross play is political in nature (Sony doesn’t want the PS4 to play nicely with other systems), not because of technological restrictions.

No they’re so great. I love how it counts downs from 5, but doesn’t actually know how long 5 seconds actually is and fuck it, I’m staring at this Miller ad for 9 seconds. It’s GREAT.

Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

I’m sorry, but you seem to have an enormous lack of understanding here.

Have you ever loaded up Excel and thought, “Man, this would be amazing with Spaceship graphics?” If so, you’d probably like EVE.

As most people that tried playing it and stopped will say, the game is amazing to read, but sooooo slow to play.

But the player’s name is “the Judge.”

Yeah this is a total shitshow and all because of the sloppy security at a company none of us WANTED to do business with. They’re collecting our personal data and selling access to it. That’s their entire business model. And now they want us to pay to lock it down.

Ah ok. Yeah that was pretty despicable.

I think they changed that a few hours after they got openly shamed for it.

Does Equifax’s site still have the fine print that excludes you from future lawsuits and class action settlements just by using it?

I blame this on Sony, as they’re terrible about this stuff. Case in point, the “Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn Complete Bundle” doesn’t actually come with Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn, despite the fact that “Complete Bundle” implies it would. Even after fighting with their support a year or two ago to get a refund,

“I once tracked down the author of this guide, Dan Birlew, and asked him how all this happened. He wouldn’t say. (“I do not comment on books/games that old. Please direct your queries to BradyGames.”