Sid Smith

Journalism is my side job, and I hate to admit it, but carefully researched science pieces aren't what the public wants. I know that fact well, since that's my beat. I write stories about cutting-edge HIV, human papilloma virus, and domestic violence research, and people would really rather read pieces that pit

It will have a direct benefit for everyone. Since the 60s, women have been trying to balance career and family, and America has made very little progress on that front. If it's discovered that men, too, must complete their families during the same years they're climbing the ladder at work – something women have

We live in a college frat boy's dump, so I'm living proof that having a woman around does not make a man cleaner. It's oddly comforting. One time we fixed our home up – not Martha Stewart or anything, but kind of nice, and I had this unsettling vision of living behind a white-picket fence and voting for Reagan. So I

My solution, and it's definitely not for everyone, was to opt out of wearing a wedding ring. It works well for interviews, because I don't get questions about my family plans, and if hiring managers assume I'm a lesbian because of the work with LGBT issues I've done, and figures I can't have kids (this misperception

You have pointed out your qualms about bad journalism, tangential arguments, and incorrect spellings of names that are read as misspelled words quite a bit on this thread. It seems like you have plenty of complaints, and it sounds like Jezebel is not up to the caliber you expect from internet-based content and

Right, and I said as much in my first sentence ("loathsome foreign policy views and experience," as written above). I wasn't endorsing Ms. Rice as Mittens' VP either. Rather, I was pointing out why she would cause him to lose by an even wider margin among conservatives, which is why she's not on the ticket.

That's funny you mention it, because when I heard Ryan was the VP nominee, I started laughing and said, "1992 all over again." Mittens looks so much like Poppy Bush in his younger years it isn't even funny, and Dan Quayle was a "big deal" in 1988 because he was the first Baby Boomer candidate on a national ticket,

Ms. Rice has loathsome foreign policy views (and experience), but she's on the record as being pro-choice, endorsing affirmative action in college admissions, and supporting same-sex civil unions. And there's the rub: she likes women, blacks, and gays, so she's un-electable. Just ask Dick Cheney – he thrashed her good

Living in the Midwest (for just a few more weeks thankfully – we stick out like sore thumbs), I somehow know a lot of libertarians, and I avoid 'em. Even the socially progressive libertarians (i.e. pro-choice, anti-capital punishment, and pro-gay marriage) quote Ayn Rand frequently. And they, too, lecture about

Sapphire raises an interesting question, albeit one that's phrased very poorly: Is there a male "biological clock?" And if so, is this so-called clock not merely about sperm age and its connection to birth defects, but might it also come with anxieties about becoming a father before middle age? I do wonder that, and

While Mittens might have captured votes from the independent, racist, self-loathing female bloc, he'd probably have run the risk of appearing to be pandering to women through tokenism, just like he'd appear to be pandering to minorities if he chose Herman Cain or Marco Rubio. Given the GOP's recent track record on

This entire list is hilariously ridiculous. My husband actually told me about it and I was skeptical, since Cosmo bored the crap outta me ever since I canceled my subscription in the 90s, as a high school junior. (They just kept sending more issues to my dad's house anyway, when I went away to college and up until I

My husband's best friend was falsely accused of rape twice. The first time, he was in a different part of town than the woman he allegedly raped, and the second time, he was in a different state. Multiple witnesses of both genders, including my husband, corroborated his story. Both cases were dropped, and one of the

Also, I know that I haven't been as vocal as I could be. This is because I feel somewhat unwelcome among rad-fems, who hate queer women like myself and especially, women whose friends and dating history includes cisgender and transgender bi/queer/lesbian women, as well as queer/bi men. (My husband is queer-identified

In alignment with other commenters, I'm exhausted by the constant war on women's bodies and health(care). As a married woman in my early 30s with health issues that make pregnancy inadvisable, I'm especially outraged by the callousness toward my right to live, and the all-to ubiquitous attitude that my personhood is