
I read a study once that analyzed the various coffees and the cheap stuff from McDonald’s and Dunkin’s actually had the most antioxidants.

yeah dave ass-spray made a fortune getting people to clog their arteries up

Oh great. This “fine young rapist” would fit in well at Stanford according to this judge.

What a disgrace. Every single NFL franchise is worth at least a billion and most a lot more. The NFL could easily afford to pay every player affected by CTE at least a million but it won’t because the owners are pure scum who’d rather pocket the last cent than do right by their former players who sacrificed their

Higher education should be free in the USA like it is in countries like India and the UK. There the best schools are publicly funded ones. In the USA people think its ok for kids to graduate with debt equivalent to home mortgages.

I fail to see what he did benefited the fans. Ticket prices have shot through the roof because of what he did. Also, a salary cap greatly helps small market teams. The NFL is the most popular sport because every team, in theory, has an equal shot of winning the championship every year.

Brian Kelly was listening to “Bohemian Rhapsody” that day and to the detriment of that young man, Kelly took the lyrics of that song literally: Anyway the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me, to me....Mama, just killed a man

WebTorrent desktop client is the best. Super fast, don’t have to mess around with port-forwarding, can start streaming video file while downloading.

Cities have to stop letting them get taken to the cleaners. Unlike, say IBM who can threaten to move a plant to Mexico or China if it doesn’t get tax subsidies, these NFL teams have no where to go. If ALL cities told these owners “NO” they would be forced to pay for the stadiums on their own. Noted sports economist

They soup nazi’d those GOP mfers “No hits for you!”. Was greatly enjoying reading the bitter comments left on the Cleveland Plain Dealer’s article on it.