@WestwoodDenizen: There is no Verizon emblem on the back of the phone :)
@WestwoodDenizen: There is no Verizon emblem on the back of the phone :)
@Master_Soda: I think things are fine where they stand... If you're really itching for a change you could just call the BlackBerry a "less intuitive" smartphone in comparison to others.
@xair: Still - you're telling me Rupert is ditching the laptop for an iPad? Not a chance. I think it's pretty well recognized right now that the iPad is a severely limited machine. I see the possibility for an iPad/MacBook Air hybrid of some sorts but even that is a ways off (and will likely never be implemented…
@o0RaidR0o: Marketing hype is for sure not what sells Apple products. Apple products sell themselves with ingenious engineering. I suppose you can get away with calling the iPad a blown up iPhone if you disregard the software changes made to accompany the change.
@captain_zilog: +1 to Woz
The laptop isn't going anywhere just because you have an iPad-only news publication, champ.
@thatdecade: That legit?
@stryker1138: I kick so much ass on COD when I should be studying Physics II.
Fantastic job on the intro
@gyeabourjr: Not in terms of elegance... but in terms of functionality - it sure does. Functionality is what defines these categories and at the end of the day the BlackBerry can do most anything (granted it does it shittly).
@Touchstone: Logic would lead me to believe the same thing... this market is not entirely logical right now, though. Consumers will consume and carriers will subsidize - those are the two things leading to smartphone domination. People just have to grin and bear the superlative data plan until they've used it for a…
@boobsandbacon: Problem with that is those numbers generally aren't public whereas these numbers are expected to be public domain. To be honest though these numbers are likely a pretty accurate representation because of the concept of supply/demand.
@Touchstone: That number isn't as impressive I wouldn't think (I'll look it up post-typing). What's more impressive is the rate of conversion.
@bandark: BlackBerry is simply the worst smartphone OS as of right now. There's no surprise in that list for me. BlackBerry's corporate dominance has slowed their reaction to rapidly changing market in my opinion... But with a name like RIM they've got to make a comeback.
@gyeabourjr: What makes a BlackBerry a semi-smartphone? I see no need for a re-categorization unless you can clarify further.
@Tyler1210: This is the way things will start to turn once we get this "4G" infrastructure in place... I hope.
@GTBruiser: No need to apologize... Mobile broadband is addicting. And don't even get me started on my iPhone addiction.
Personally, I love the current state of the mobile market. Manufacturers are being constantly pushed to improve as there is no end to competition. Carriers are being forced to subsidize the more expensive phones to get people on the data bandwagon (read: to pay their bills). And we, the consumers, are left happy with…
@PerspectiveX: You were right :)
@rjp is Vincent Van GoToTheBox: That makes sense - thanks for clearing it up for me. It seems the writer, having an incomplete understanding of the issue, took the comment out of context.