
Pfffff you'll be back

Naw - just the font/resolution. Look down at Microsoft Corporation. I doubt they had the same typo there.

Damn Square. Good job.

Still - you think there would at least be the option somehow somewhere... My guess is the reason there's no option in any car at all is related more to the "street-legality" of cars. Don't we have cars that parallel park themselves these days too?

Link me to this? It's surprising news... (though I realize advertising kicks ass)

Hmm. OK.

Those fools must like money! Or maybe they don't like fragmentation... To hell with it let's berate them cause we don't own an iPhone!

Good man.

That was pretty insane. I like the guy who lost his hat at first jumping around from the adrenaline rush.

I didn't think of it that way... Nice comment.

If Foursquare was named mooPoo I would join in a second.

Does that say mooPoo in the corner?

Been there. Gotta love the inter-company Help Desk.

When will these consumers realize these things are not done for their benefit but for the benefit of the Earth (oh and, you know, free press).

You need a new definition of "inventively spent" if you don't consider throwing cats around in zero gravity money well spent.

@xair: Oh alright - my bad. I currently have an iPhone to conduct my mobile business, a MacBook Air to access Apple developer tools and have a powerful, light machine for most classes, a tower that I poured a few thousand into before I started school, and a ThinkPad W500 that I got on a scholarship that hardly gets

@rebel101150: Of course - I figured other people would nitpick those facts though :)

@gizface: Right. Got an iPod?

@andywhoa: Legit - they had awesome customer service when I wanted an Evo for a free month.