
@snark_attack: OK buddy you win. Lemme know when you find out what shoes they're marketing.

@EvilTaxi: I think that's what he just said he wouldn't do...

@ReginaPhalange: Oh right, I completely forgot that aspect when I replied earlier. It still doesn't add up. Who's Apple doing this for? They're going to piss off some developers who no longer can sell flashlight apps and the like because any moron can whip their own up. I just don't see it happening. Especially when

Does anyone know what technology is backing this standard? How far does it work from? How quickly does it charge? So many questions... Also I'm just assuming this is in no way related to Pixel Qi (the only other time I can remember hearing Qi).

@Kardster: They wouldn't have the 3+ minute "making of" with a green screen. And tech blogs would more likely be berating them rather than giving them kudos.

@Markarian: You're correct however considering the camera costs for feature films like the Corpse Bride can often run into the hundreds of thousands it is considerably cheaper at a meager 6k. Consumer-grade? Probably not.

@ReginaPhalange: I'm not even sure I would enjoy the dream. Sure the article says this won't bring the overall quality of the App Store down any further but I just don't see how this wouldn't result in a plethora of crapps.

@system22: It's all good - I was just surprised to see someone actually answered your question (and with a link no less) rather than being a dick like me ;)

@Pointless: It depends on what the court deems as fair use. They're generally pretty good at getting to the bottom of things.

This iOS app creator sounds like a ridiculously unlikely dream.

@system22: Did you miss the part of the article where it said they did?

@Mikestan: Firstly, there have been others. Secondly, it's not going to be a carrier patch pushed to the iPhone.

@Arken: I don't think this decision effects the manufacturers (ie. Apple) at all. It simply allows us, the consumers, to bypass any brick walls they decide to throw up.

@KB: We have a lot in common.

@telepheedian: Precisely. This type of issue is becoming more and more prevalent as kids have access to higher and higher quality electronics that they inevitably cannot own on their own and are tied to a parent's bank account. Reminds me of the App Store issue where subsequent purchases in a certain time period don't