
@rott: I just didn't like the gameplay - the controls pissed me off to no end. To each his own.

@rott: Fair point. I always just saw them as a bit of a one hit wonder but from what I'm seeing I may have to take a look at Red Dead Redemption. Ironically I was never a huge GTA guy either (prolly played 1 or 2 versions - who hasn't?)

@venc: Just a mock-up - no plans for it to be a real product.

@ThePaul: There is no debate whether or not the fugly Apple bumpers lack style. It's just a fact.

@EADG: PS. Best commercial ever.

@Zing: It definitely was.

@Michai: 10 people charged but most of the money has not been recovered. Looks like the real bad guys got away.

@PoG: The sparks flying from the industrial saw was the closest thing I saw to an explosion too...

@DarqWolff: Haha thankfully he doesn't regret the iPod purchase - he had to argue with me for like a half hour before I let him buy it anyway so his mind was made up :P

@benjgvps: Probably so they wouldn't compete with their own web hosting service. And it's like old as hell.

@bbeesley: That makes a lot of sense - What it came down to is he just got his debit card and was excited to spend money basically so didn't want to wait for the 4th gen touch to make an iPod purchase. Hopefully he won't have too many regrets come Q4.

@Killjoy: Could you elaborate on your meanings of internal and external control a bit?

@EADG: That's actually his brother from another mother.

@rott: True for Blizzard... But you have to consider the following had by Diablo and Starcraft and the absurdity that is WoW today. In my opinion Blizzard collectively outweighs Rockstar though the GTA franchise could hold its own against any of the three. But Valve? Half-life (all 11 of em), Counter-Strike, Team

@gemcosta: Or even if you are in the market for a new bicycle. Target consumers are more likely bike commuters who would have a use for the 16x13x4 storage.

@dagamer34: I don't think he was in it for the money...