
@invincible-snake: Thats what all the Bios on here say. It must of been one of the later seasons because I cant remember her.

@The OktopuS: Hahaha, the first time I saw that guy I said "Theres a guy that does blow". Glad to see im not the only one to recognize this.

I would normally agree with that statement to an extent. However since its coming from a guy of his douche status, I have to disagree with him on principal. I mean just look at him, do you really wanna agree with that dude on anything?

Damn, I follow the industry religiously and I didn't even know it was out yet.

I hate to be that guy but no I cant. I had the 1st Gen Iphone and I broke it like in January of last year, so I figured ill just wait till June to get the next model and use a prepaid phone in the meantime. Those 5 months were BRUTAL. I just cant imagine using a basic phone, not now.

I was gunna hold off on playing for a little while on account of me getting burnt out on Fallout getting all the achievements. But that cyborg Dogmeat is just too damn cool.

@yesteryear: Maybe on this post but iv seen this in Gizmodo comments thousands of times. So much so that im starting to resent David Lynch for it. And it just so happens Eraserhead is on Netflix instant stream so im gunna go watch it on my FUCKING TELEPHONE!

God I love that game, buggy as hell but I still love it.

Not a FPS fan, but its inching up to must play status for me.

@dmc666: I used to think that as well. He was very douchey when he was promoting Gears 2. But ive been following him on twitter and listening to interviews leading up to the Gears 3 reveal and I find him to actually be a really cool guy. I went from not being able to stand the guy to him being one of my favorite

@andrew2696: Holy Shit! My theater too. I went to the midnight showing it was almost a full house and the SECOND his name flashed everyone shared a collective groan, quickly followed by laughter, proceeded by applause from the entire theater.

I don't care what the backstory says, that scream will always be Bobba Fett's scream to me.

I never played Jaws Unleashed, but I always thought it seemed like a really cool concept. However from EVERYTHING I heard about it, the execution was shit.

@Grimueax: His work on Viva Pinata is among his best.

Geez I thought that video was the most hilarious thing when I was in High School. Its still pretty funny, but not as much as my 15 year old self would lead you to believe.

I know its been overplayed to death, but I really like that Joker one.

I really didn't mind the disc, but it really needed a new UI.

I'm not a fan of Blizzard really, but I agree 100%. I love Valve, but I don't think PIxar fans ever "boycotted" any of their productions.