
Ooooooo maybe the first DLC will take us to Seattle and we can visit KACL!

This is a Goodbye Direct to You.

Theres no pleasing everyone.

Oh for the love of god go crawl back into your cave you troll. This is what everyone said when the iPhone came out, and then the Macbook Air, and then iPad. And guess what, those are all extremely popular products now that all started out at very high price points with dumbasses like you whining about how only tools

Why wouldn’t there be? There are always members of oppressed minorities who side with their oppressors. Black and gay republicans, for example.

There's something slightly odd about quoting your own tweet in an article you wrote. o.o

These should all come with a free "500 feet from schools and playgrounds" restraining order.

It's aimed at little girls. That's the target demographic.

Some people just love being the contrarian.

exactly what? Do you always say that when someone brings up a 40+ year old song about and idealized world? Especially given the time in which it was written. Or are you just here to shit on someone else's idea of two opposing sides making peace?

Can someone please tell me how to post gifs? I'm an old man with little to do with his time.

What a loser. My Canadian girlfriend always puts out like crazy when I go visit her or see her at summer camp. She's so fucking hot at sex.

I think I would tell myself I wouldn't care, but be bothered by it and then forget about it because shit, it's MY PARTY, and then revisit later it as an example when I'm having a crisis about standing up for myself or something, you know?