I'm glad You guys got the recognition you deserve. Keep up the great work.
I'm glad You guys got the recognition you deserve. Keep up the great work.
Man, I hate to see anything fail this miserably.
Red Dead was so damn good. That game broke my heart in a good way. My game of the year so far.
I assume its because of the one mission where you have to kill like 20 or so crows.
@VagEnthusiast: oh yeeeaah, thats right.
Nintendo always picks the oddest mix of celebrities at these things. Zach and Cody were there too.
@Curse lily: If i had the power i would of promoted the shit outta this.
I got platinum status again this year, i'll easily get it next year and that will be 3 years in a row. Great, now im gunna get all OCD about it and i'll HAVE to reach platinum status every year.
@MfnT: Prtty mch. Wht tl.
@TomXP411: The word is "moron"
@ddarcade: I concur, those bumpers look slick as hell.
That is beautiful, but I think ill go with the "overpriced" bumper and save 40 bucks.
@trexchard: I wouldnt say that this exact post is filled with hate and bias, however their is a HUGE change in tone since they didnt get an invite WWDC. All things considered its understandable, but they really should try to be more subtle about it.
@Archaotic: Ah, Jill of the Jungle first game I ever beat. loved the hell out of that game its sequel too. Never played the third though. Every time I talk about it no one knows what the hell im talking about.
@chang187: Ayyyyyyyyyye
"Fights like a dairy cow" you say that like its a bad thing. Im assuming you never fought Whitney's Miltank.
In what universe is that a meltdown?
@Nic: If karma is at work here, I wonder what Giz gets for all the bannings and deleting of comments they did for people having an opinion on the matter.
@lilithfey: When it comes to men, conversations about females ALWAYS steers towards looks, sex, etc. Combine that with the virginity of many gamers and you got a dialog that mostly consists of degrading a beautiful woman in an attempt to make them feel better about themselves. But I digress Sessler would be awesome on…