
I'm glad You guys got the recognition you deserve. Keep up the great work.

Man, I hate to see anything fail this miserably.

Red Dead was so damn good. That game broke my heart in a good way. My game of the year so far.

I assume its because of the one mission where you have to kill like 20 or so crows.

Nintendo always picks the oddest mix of celebrities at these things. Zach and Cody were there too.

@Curse lily: If i had the power i would of promoted the shit outta this.

I got platinum status again this year, i'll easily get it next year and that will be 3 years in a row. Great, now im gunna get all OCD about it and i'll HAVE to reach platinum status every year.

@MfnT: Prtty mch. Wht tl.

@ddarcade: I concur, those bumpers look slick as hell.

That is beautiful, but I think ill go with the "overpriced" bumper and save 40 bucks.

@trexchard: I wouldnt say that this exact post is filled with hate and bias, however their is a HUGE change in tone since they didnt get an invite WWDC. All things considered its understandable, but they really should try to be more subtle about it.

@Archaotic: Ah, Jill of the Jungle first game I ever beat. loved the hell out of that game its sequel too. Never played the third though. Every time I talk about it no one knows what the hell im talking about.


"Fights like a dairy cow" you say that like its a bad thing. Im assuming you never fought Whitney's Miltank.

In what universe is that a meltdown?

@Nic: If karma is at work here, I wonder what Giz gets for all the bannings and deleting of comments they did for people having an opinion on the matter.

@lilithfey: When it comes to men, conversations about females ALWAYS steers towards looks, sex, etc. Combine that with the virginity of many gamers and you got a dialog that mostly consists of degrading a beautiful woman in an attempt to make them feel better about themselves. But I digress Sessler would be awesome on