
I don’t have much to add but my support for you and what others have suggested. You deserve better. Good luck.

I know yoga is traditionally a spiritual practice. And I know people who practice it that way. I’m just not inclined. I don’t think it’s inherently bad to separate the spiritual and physical aspects of it (although I also get the cultural appropriation argument), but this guy just needs to fuck right off. Into jail.


I used to take “power yoga”in Santa Monica. All the strength and flexibility, none of the religion. It was great for me. I didn’t want to explore my feelings, or open my chakras.

I stared at that picture for a minute. She’s gorgeous and her eyes are unreal.

I wear glasses and without them, my right eye tends to drift in a bit. The last time I renewed my license, I explained that to the lady taking my pic, and that it sometimes helps if I close my eyes before taking a picture. She was SO NICE and told me to close my eyes, and she counted to three. She even retook the pic


I once worked as a bartender at a Mexican nightclub that was a money laundering operation for the Armenian mafia. When my boss and his friends would get coked up in his office, I always had to stop him from firing the security guys. I loved those guys. They had my back if there were any problems.)

I’m ok. It was 12 years ago. Super traumatic at the time, but I’ve healed. And I learned important lessons in how to deal with violence.

That’s great. Although, the guy who beat the shit out of me, (on a break from beating the shit out of his wife), was lovingly supported by the wife while he served out his jail term. It made me sad.

Dude. Completely private changing rooms and showers? I would be ALL OVER that.

Omg, I wouldn’t do this, but the temptation to read them would be so strong. I wouldn’t. But I’d be curious.

Do you use the sugar lip polish/exfoliator from Fresh? I love it. Cold, dry weather? Dehydrated? Whatever. My lips are soft and can take even applications of whatever product. (including my NARS lip pencil.)

I have well over 1,000 points racked up. I understand.

In that part of the country? Probably is a great house.

Creepy and predatory. I need a shower and a hug from a decent person.

So... I dislike porn on a number of levels.

Eh, wasn’t crazy about this Tina Fey sketch (sacrilege for me!) although some of her previous Palin stuff was hilarious to me.

Thank you.

Figaro is rad, but.